46: Misplaced Anger

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Amanda, Nick, Olivia, Sonny and I spend the entire night trying to find Jordan. By the time Barba meets with the judge, there is no sign of him. Barba comes out of the courtroom seething with rage as Jordan is now the main witness for D'Angelo and Donna Marshall. "They can't do this!?" Sonny argues, pacing the room "what do I tell Tommy, what do I tell Bella?!" He yells, starting to make his lower lip bleed from biting it.

"Sonny, calm down!" I go over to him, trying to remain professional with Olivia around "Barba will get him in cross." I try to tell him, refraining from reaching out and grabbing a hold of him.

"Is this really aloud?" Sonny questions Barba.

He shrugs "he's not our witness anymore."

Once Jordan is called to the stand, Mr. D'Angelo doesn't waste anytime asking about what happened when Nick and I raided his place. Jordan answers "two SVU detectives burst into my home. They found oxy, and they also said that they had my DNA on oxy confiscated from Tommy Sullivan's home."

"And did they arrest you?" D'Angelo asks.

Jordan answers, lying "No. They made it clear that a deal could be made if I would agree to testify against my parole officer."

"Donna Marshall, the defendant?" The lawyer points to his client.

"Uh-huh. That's right. They had some trumped-up case against her that they wanted me to corroborate." Jordan replies off the script he was told.

I sit next to Olivia in the back. Her and I eye each other and I give her a curt nod, affirming that Nick and I did the right thing. She gives me a nod back. "And you're risking a drug charge to testify here today. Could you tell the jury why?" The lawyer asks for answers.

"Officer Marshall's been nothing but good to me. I couldn't let her go down for something that I did." He claims "I'm the one that sold Tommy Sullivan the oxy. She had nothing to do with it."

D'Angelo smiles as he turns to return to his seat "thank you, Mr. Dolphy. Your witness."

It takes Barba a minute to stand, but when he does asks an obvious questions "Mr. Dolphy, you've been Officer Marshall's parolee for three years now?"

"That's right" is his response.

Barba delivers back "and in all that time, you've never failed a drug test?"

"No, sir." Jordan keeps it short.

Barba pushes "why is that?"

"Because I'm clean." He claims right back.

"I see." Barba starts to walk towards the witness "you testified that detectives found oxycodone in your apartment."

"For sale." Jordan defers "I don't use."

"You don't use oxy. But you do shoot heroin, correct?" Barba quickly returns to him.

"Objection. Relevance?" D'Angelo asks, wanting to stop Barba.

Barba explains to the judge "goes to motive, Your Honor. The witness has denied using drugs. I'm entitled to cross."

"Witness will answer." Judge clears. "And remember you're under oath, Mr. Dolphy."

"Do you use heroin?" Barba asks.

"No." Jordan says.

"May I ask you to roll up your sleeves, Mr. Dolphy, for the jury?" Barba inquires.

"Objection." D'Angelo calls out again.

Jordan adds on "he can't make me do this."

"Actually, he can." The judge returns "witness will comply."

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