26: Camping

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The next morning we arrive at the Birch Pavilion at 9 to set up. Raina already rang the bell for the stock market and is about to have her interview before coming here for the premier. After getting every set up and reviewing the team, Benson splits us up "Finn and Rollins, you're with me on the ground. Grey and Carisi, you are watching the footage, keep an eye on everyone."

I nod back to her and begin to make my way to the security room. We get inside and within the next 30 minutes, they open the doors. Once it starts getting busy, we spend our time scanning the different screens, looking for anyone suspicious. "This is the worst." I mumble over to Sonny as we stand behind the men sitting at the desk. For events that involve high tech gear like gaming, you'd think they'd have something better for security.

"Carisi, what's it looking like?" Benson radios over shortly before the presentation begins.

He answers "we got a bunch of monitors with grainy footage." He lets go of the radio and asks the head of security "you guys ever think about upgrading your security systems?"

"Who are you, Steven Spielberg?" He sarcastically asks back "we're here as a courtesy. Come on. We got the situation under control. We haven't lost anybody yet."

"Well, let's not break that streak." I retort back, getting my focus back on the screen.

The presentation starts promptly at noon and we carefully watch the men and women in audience for any signs of disruption. It doesn't get that long into Raina's presentation before things go south. Our screens start to blur out, flickering black and white before coming back online. Only, the security company doesn't have control anymore. I watch as the lights in the main auditorium begin to flicker, beginning to cause chaos. I hear Benson call out into the radio and Carisi answer "someone hacked into the lighting board. The security system too." He encourages the lead man "tell me you got an override. Come on!"

"I'm going out there!" I call back already almost out the door to look for Raina.

As I run towards the auditorium, I can hear Benson talking into the radio "Carisi, Grey anything?" She asks us.

"I got her!" Sonny respond. "She's with a security guard in the back hallway." But before giving us any more information he hollers into the radio "back exit! Back exit!"

I make my way there as fast as possible and out of the back door. As soon as I'm out, I see a man in a security jacket "Police, stop!" I yell out to him, showing my badge. The guy tries to run, and I chase after him.

I manage to get a hold of him by tackling him to the ground. As soon as I have his hands behind his back, Sonny gets to my side "Get up!" He yells at the man, lifting him up from his shoulders after I get off the ground.

"He had Raina." Sonny tells us as he's cuffing the perp.

"I was trying to help her." The man pleads to us.

I get closer in his face "where is she?"

"I don't know." He stutters out nervously.

"Wrong answer." Finn adds, getting closer to him as well.

Another security man calls out "detective, she's up there!" We all turn our attention to the jumbotron on the street.

The masked men is tying her up, another in the back with him "Shut up, bitch." He scowls to Raina whose screeching for help. "Keep your mouth shut, or you're done. Do you hear me? Game on, NYPD." The man taunts us and the screen goes black.

"Where's that coming from." Benson calls. "Track it, Rollins. Track it now!" She demands and runs off.

"What, this wasn't my idea." The perp looks back to us wanting mercy.

The Path to Love: A Sonny Carisi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now