20: No Clues

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Its been a few weeks since I heard anything about Doyle and decide to give Morgan a call to find out what's going on. It goes straight to voicemail so I hang up and dial the next number that comes to mind. "Maddison, is everything okay?" Spencer's friendly concerned voices oozes through the line.

"Spencer, hi. Everything is good. I was just wondering what's going on with the search for Doyle?"

He responds with nervousness "you called me? Why not your father?"

I nervously chuckle back "because we're not really talking right now. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called." I mutter out, really realizing now this was a mistake.

He stops me before I could hang up "no, it's fine. It's good to hear from you." He lets the words sink in for an awkward amount of time.

I speak into the air "thanks."

"As for Doyle, we're still actively searching for him. We are taking on other cases as well though." He tells me honestly. I know that means they have no leads on where he is or any chance of finding him if they keep themselves on this case over others.

"Alright. Thanks Spencer." I say, ready to hang up and get back to work.

Spencer doesn't get the hint though and goes on "You taking precautions up there? He really could be coming after you, he did threaten that at his last hearing."

I sigh "I remember and yes, I am being careful. Don't worry about me."

"I'll always worry about you." He responds back before thinking about what he was going to say. He used to tell me that was one of his favorite things about me, I turned his brain off and he just said what he wanted to say.

I smile at his words "and me, you. Bye Spencer." I say and he returns the salutation before hanging up.

I walk back into the precinct and sit at me desk, getting ready for Benson and Finn to review us on how their on site interview went with the victim. "The glove they found in the sewer grate came back clean." Finn starts off as Benson pins a photo to the board. "No DNA. No prints."

"No DNA? Well, there goes codis." I say, knowing it's not always easy here.

"Look, it was worth a shot." Carisi agrees.

Benson explains "we think the perp knew her, so--"

She goes to further explain but Carisi jumps in "so we re-canvass the area, video cams, parking tickets, I crosscheck the tea shop's credit card receipts with known offenders." He smirks at our boss "I know the drill."

He sits down across from me opening laptop. "Fantastic." She tells him, happy he's now a team player.

Rollins walks in hurriedly towards her desk "hey, sorry I'm late. Con ed was on my block. The transformer was out. So no electricity, no hot water. I had to take a shower at the gym. - It was--"

"Rollins, a word of advice." Benson stops her "when you're coming up with an excuse, don't oversell."

Carisi chuckles as do I and Rollins responds "copy that."

Finn fills her in "the perp wore latex gloves. We think he stalked her."

"Okay, so you put it into vicap?" Rollins asks looking at Carisi. He is about to say something when she continues. "You did, right? You have a detailed M. O. I mean, vicap is a comprehensive nationwide database." She finally sits opening her own laptop.

Sonny tries to cover his short slip up "yeah, I know. I was just about to get into that."

Rollins ignores him and begins typing. "Okay, early Sunday, a Caucasian male assaults Annie Lin. Now, she's young. She is Asian. He chokes her and uses latex gloves. What else?"

The Path to Love: A Sonny Carisi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now