41: Selling Problems

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Later that night my phone rings and Sonny's name pops up "Hey Babe, what's up?" I answer with a smile.

"Tommy just got arrested for drugs after a home inspection." He informs me, a bit of panic in his voice.

I sit up where I am lying in bed and ask "what? When?"

"Like an hour ago. I just left Bella's and she's freaking out. It wasn't even scheduled. Did you guys bring her in today?" He asks me.

"No, we did talk to her boss though, he must of said something to her. Do you think they were his? Could he be selling?" I ask him.

I can tell he's thinking by the silence on the other end "I don't know. Pot was always his thing, not oxy but what do I know." He responds distressed.

"Alright, calm down. I'll talk to Liv and we'll go from there, we'll get you in to see him first thing tomorrow." I inform him, trying to keep him calm.

"Yah, yah, sure." He responds back "thanks doll. I'll see you tomorrow." He says before hanging up the phone.

I decide to call Olivia and give her the news. After explaining what happened she says "this is not good. Now that he was arrested, it's going to look worse on his character. I'll make a few phone calls. I'll talk to you tomorrow Maddison. Thanks." She says and hangs up as well.

The next morning I wait for Nick and Sonny to get back from visiting Tommy in jail. Sonny got their first thing in the morning and Olivia thought it would be best for Nick to go along with him. Once back, they go over things with Olivia and I can see how stressed Sonny is about all this. Nick comes out of the office before Olivia does and he goes straight for his phone "what's up?" I ask him as he dials.

"Calling the lab." He informs. Amanda and I go over towards him, eager to get any results back. "Yeah, this is Nick Amaro, SVU, we are still waiting on the labs of a rape case, brought in 2 days ago." He says. Just then, Sonny comes back out of Olivia's office and says "Yeah, I'll hold." Nick says to the other person on the line.

"No good deed, huh?" Sonny asks sarcastically.

"So Tommy was a dealer?" Amanda asks him.

"Just pot, not oxy." Sonny clarifies. "He's put that all behind him. He's been working his program."

"Well, he was in a bar fight, though." She responds, truly not believing everything Tommy is saying.

"Yeah, after she assaulted him. He was decompensating." He argues back calmly.

"Maybe. But people do—" She goes to say.

"Amanda.." I look at her, trying to urge her to stop.

"they.. you know, they slip up. Sometimes you have to let them hit bottom." She says.

Sonny sits in the chair, hands up "yeah, I know. It's just-- things were going really well for Tommy."

"Well, you know what? Some people can't handle that." She says back, getting a bit more agitated. "You know, they need— they need the drama."

Sonny starts to get more defensive now "hey, I was there, all right? His P.O. was in and out of that room in half a minute tops."

"Okay, well, you know what? Somebody's lying." She returns "then we— we have to figure out who." She shrugs and walks away.

"She's kind of big on tough love, isn't she?" Sonny asks Nick, whose still on hold.

Nick sits a bit closer to his seat "look, her sister played her so many times, she taught herself to expect the worst from family."

"Yeah, well, her family isn't my family." Sonny spits back.

"Tommy's not your family. Bella is." I return to him, reminding him. "Look out for her. We'll do our jobs, okay?"

"Yeah." He nods, sitting back in his chair with a deep sigh.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm still here." Nick returns into the phone. Only a few moments pass when he says "Thanks. Thank you." And hangs up.

I look to him with a bit of shock "no way the touch DNA came back that fast."

He shakes his head "no, but the results from Tommy's clothing did. It tested positive for Donna Marshall's saliva and, uh, fluids."

"So that proves they had sex." Sonny says, knowing it's going to be harder to prove rape.

Nick tells him firmly "So we can bring her in. Look, at the very least, she broke the law."

Sonny doesn't look to trusting, so I try to encourage him "Hey, it's good news." I squeeze his shoulder lightly. Nick gets up to go inform Olivia.

Sonny just shakes his head and says "yea, you try telling that to my sister."

I exhale quickly " I can come with you if you want, help you to tell her?" I offer to him.

He shakes his head again "No, work the case. I'll tell her." He grabs my hand under the desk and lowly says to me "really wish I could hug you right now." His mouth forms a toothless smirk.

"Me too." I say back, squeezing his hand in return, wanting him to know that I'm here for him for whatever he needs.

I spot Olivia and Nick coming out of her office and Sonny releases my hand, I swipe some hair behind my ear with that hand and look to her and she walks over to us "we're calling Mrs. Marshall in right now, I want you in on the interview with me Grey." She directs.

"You got it." I tell her and go across from Sonny to sit and prepare. Sonny stands up to leave and as he goes I holler over to him "good luck!"

"You too." He responds and he's out of the door.

The Path to Love: A Sonny Carisi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now