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Josie and Jeff walked together in the neighborhood near Rosie's, their hands brushing against each other as they laughed at the stories they shared together

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Josie and Jeff walked together in the neighborhood near Rosie's, their hands brushing against each other as they laughed at the stories they shared together.

"Then I hit him in the balls with my bat, it was awful!" Jeff finished, grinning when he saw Josie laugh at his story.

"And I thought you were skilled enough." Josie joked before sitting on the sidewalk, Jeff sitting beside her.

"Excuse you. I am skilled, thank you very much." He feigned a hurt expression.

"Awh, I know." She pinched his cheek jokingly.

Jeff looked at her, butterflies in his stomach, his cheeks heating up when they both locked eyes. "Would it be too soon if I kissed you?"

Josie smiled, watching as his eyes traveled from her eyes to her lips before whispering, "No, I don't think it would."

Both of them closed the gap between them, colliding their lips, closing their eyes to savor the moment. Jeff's hand found its way to Josie's neck, holding it gently to pull her closer while Josie's hands held onto his jacket. Pulling away for a second to catch their breaths before attaching their lips again. Jeff's other hand held Josie's waist gently, deepening the kiss before they pulled away, resting their forehead against each other.

Josie bit her lips shyly and in disbelief, looking down as Jeff stroked her cheek with his thumb with a smile. He gave her nose a peck and put his hand underneath her chin, raising her head, looking at her eyes before giving kissing her cheeks. "Would it freak you out if I told you that I'm fanboying right now?"

Josie giggled and shook her head, "I'm fangirling right now, too." She said before giving Jeff a hug.


"Thank you for tonight. I had so much fun, uh, obviously." Josie giggled, standing in front of her door, her and Jeff holding hands as he stood close to her.

"Does that mean that Josie Blair would go on another date with me soon?" Jeff asked, holding Josie's waist.

Josie put her hand on Jeff's chest, looking up at him, "I'd love to."

Jeff smiled before leaning down to capture her lips in a quick kiss, "See you tomorrow, Jo. Goodnight."

"Drive safely. Goodnight, Jeff." Josie smiled as she watched him walk to his car and get into it, waving at her before driving off. She grinned to herself before she got inside her house.

"I ship it." Josie jumped up in surprise before catching her breath when she saw that it was her grandma.

Josie laughed at her grandma's use of words, "Do you now?" She gave her a hug.

"I do. He's handsome and looks like he got a good personality. What's his name?" Grandma Annie asked.

"Jeff Atkins." Josie grinned.

Thin Air ✿ Jeff Atkins [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now