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"I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" Jeff asked quietly, his forehead on mine, both of us catching our breaths from the heated make out session we just had.

I nodded, biting my lip, "Yeah."

"I'll walk you to your car." He said before taking a hold of my hand. I left his hand, going behind him and jumped on his back to which he laughed at and began walking outside Jess's house.

I told him where the car was parked, him putting me on the ground once we reached it. "Hey, take care, alright? If you feel drunk or anything just call me and I'll pick you up." I told him, wrapping my arms around his torso.

"Definitely. But go home, rest. Text me or call me before you sleep." Jeff said, brushing my hair out of my face before planting a kiss on my forehead.

I nodded, "I will. I love you." I smiled.

Jeff grinned, playing with my hair, "I love you too."

And with that, I got inside the car, putting my window down, turning the ignition on. "Hey, Josiebean?" I heard Jeff.

I looked up at him to see him crouching down to meet me eye level, "Take care of yourself, okay? You're beautiful and you're so fucking strong and I love you, yeah?"

I smiled, pecking his lips, "I love you too, Jeff Atkins." I said before driving off.

I drove slowly, humming quietly to the song on the radio. I was about to turn right when I spotted Clay sitting on a bench, staring down his lap. I sighed, parking the car and getting out. I approached him, sitting beside him on the bench, getting his attention. He looked at me before looking at his lap again.

"Did Jeff ever tell you about how similar he is to you?" I asked Clay, staring in front of me and putting my hands in my jacket pockets.

"Similar how?"

"I made him nervous too. Took him a lot to just approach me." I told him, "You're a great guy, Clay. And great people herd together." I let out a small chuckle, smiling when I heard Clay laugh quietly.

"It's just," Clay began, looking at me for a moment before looking in front of him, "It's just hard to get her. Hard to understand her and," He took a breath, "And I'm note most confident guy out there. I take too much time to finish things."

"You don't have to really get her, Clay. Hannah is amazing. She puts herself in the wrong situations sometimes but I think it's only because her intentions are always good. It's like she doesn't understand how cruel and complicated the world is, society is." I explained, "And you, Clay? You have a heart of gold. You're...pure. And she doesn't understand that yet. She will someday. Until then, you prove shit to her."

Thin Air ✿ Jeff Atkins [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now