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It was the end of the school year

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It was the end of the school year. Everyone went back to their lives. Everyone except Josie Blair and Clay Jensen.

First day of summer, Josie, Clay, Tony and Skye were together, cruising in the car while listening to Joy Division.

Josie could remember a few similar scenarios including Jeff, a small smile on her face. Almost chuckling at the irony of Love Will Tear Us Apart. Love did tear them apart.


"Josie, you definitely cheated." Clay shook his head as he and Josie sat on her couch, playing Black Ops on her XBox.

Josie chuckled, "No, you're a sore loser."

"I'm hungry." Clay blurted out, looking at Josie.



That's how they spent the rest of their night. Eating Chinese food, playing video games, sharing memories and watching movies.
Clay and Josie were similar in many ways. Not only had they been knowing each other since they were 13, but both were heartbroken. Both of them had to face death of a loved one at a young age, now only clinging onto memories.

Clay slept soundly on Josie's couch, making Josie chuckle and take a picture of him. She texted Lainie (whom she wasn't very fond of seen as she was defending the school) telling her that Clay was sleeping over, something that had been happening a lot because even Clay couldn't handle being at his house.
Two hours after Clay slept, it was now 12 am. Josie sat on her bed, boringly staring at the ceiling.

She sighed, standing up and changing into a tank top, jeans and putting on her Vans. She went downstairs quietly, trying not to wake her parents up, and walked towards Clay.

She nudged him, "Clay? Clay, come on wake up."

He groaned, squinting, looking at her, "What? What time is it?" He asked quietly.

"It's 12. Come on, we're going somewhere." She smiled.

Clay put on his shoes, following her, "You're stealing your mom's car?"

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her." Josie shrugged, getting outside the house and watched as Clay quietly shut the door.

"You have your keys, right?" Clay asked to which Josie nodded to.

They got inside the car, Josie driving off to God knows where.
Clay knew better than to ask.

Clay looked confusingly at Josie once they reached Blue Spot. Josie turned off the ignition, getting outside the car and walking towards the trunk, taking out spray paint cans. Clay watched her from inside the car, his eyebrows furrowed.

Josie opened his door, "Come on, Jensen."

He got out, following her towards the small alley beside the shop, remembering it from when he got drunk with Bryce and the others. It was lit with neon lights, making it possible to see the wall. Josie gave Clay one of the spray cans, "Write your name and Hannah's." She said before she shook her can, beginning to spray on the wall.

He stared at her for a moment, still confused a little before looking at the can in his hand, "Fuck it." He muttered, shaking the can before beginning to spray on it.

There, on the white wall, was written 4 names in 2 different colors.



in red and,



in black.

Josie sat on the ground, looking at the wall with pride, Clay sitting beside her. They looked at each other, clinking their spray cans together, chuckling.

the end. 


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