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A/N: okay so I remembered that Jeff's dad was called Harris but to my defense, his name was only said once and it was quiet by his wife so sorry about that x.


Josie adjusted her headphones, leaning her head back on the wall

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Josie adjusted her headphones, leaning her head back on the wall.

She looked at Clay, who nodded reassuringly at her, encouraging her to press play. She did.

"Next thing I know, we hit something. We-We hit the stop sign. It toppled over on the ground. I-I wanted to call the police but my phone was dead. Sheri was scared of what her father might do to her so she left. She left the stop sign on the ground and I was left there. I wanted to call the police but I couldn't. I needed to find a working phone but-but I wasn't fast enough.

I wanted to help. I just wasn't fast enough. And I'm sorry, Josie. I costed your boyfriend's death and I costed your misery. I wanted to tell you but every time I saw you, I couldn't. I tried telling Clay but he was- he was devastated. Sheri wanted to keep it to herself. She thinks it wasn't our fault.

So now, minutes before I kill myself, I want you to be the last person on my mind. I want my last ever apology to be to you, Josie. Josie Blair, I'm sorry. I love you." And with that, the tape stopped.

Josie's lips were parted, her eyes wide as a few tears rolled down her cheeks. She shakily took off the headphones, putting it carelessly on her lap.

"Sheri." Josie whispered before looking at Clay. "She's keeping it to herself? She-She's letting his parents stay without closure? Without the truth?"

"I tried talking to her, Josie. She-"

"She's what, Clay?! She's a fucking coward! Oh my God!" Josie laughed bitterly, standing up, pacing, "I knew it! He wasn't drunk!"

"Alright, how do you know?" Clay asked before wincing at his question.

Josie stopped, looking at him, "What? How do I know what?"

"He might have been drunk." Clay said, playing with his jacket sleeves.

"Jesus, Clay. Really? You saw him last with me. He told you he wasn't drunk. I was with him the whole night. Oh God," She shook her head, tugging at her hair, "Everyone thinks I'm going fucking crazy, making up stories about my dead boyfriend because I love him. Is that what you think too, Clay?!" Josie screamed at him.

Clay stood up, shaking his head, "No no, I-I didn't mean it. I'm sorry."

"He was your best friend! He-He was," Josie shoved Clay's chest before she took a shaky breath, beginning to sob, making Clay wrap his arms around her in a hug, "I miss him. I miss him so bad."


"Josie? Oh my God, Josie." Mary hugged her tightly before pulling away and stepping aside for both Josie and Clay to enter, "Come in."

Thin Air ✿ Jeff Atkins [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now