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Has Josie lost her mind?

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Has Josie lost her mind?

She lost two of the closest people to her within the duration of two weeks. And now, 2 months later, she hasn't gotten better.

Instead of going to the funeral, Josie was in the hospital, getting drugged with medicine that will make her sleep to stop her thrashing and screams.

Only now, she didn't sleep. She sat still, looking right ahead at the wall.

"This is too much on her, Steph. I'm scared she might do anything to herself." Kelsey cried, hugging her husband.

Steph hugged his wife tightly, closing his eyes as they stood outside Josie's hospital room.

"Uh, Mr. and Mrs. Blair?" They heard. They both turned, looking at a short tanned guy who stared at them, "My name is Tony Padilla. I'm Josie's friend from school."

"Oh, yes yes, hello," Kelsey sniffled pulling away from Stephan, wiping her tears, "You came to see her?"

Tony nodded, "If that's okay with you?"

Stephan nodded, opening the door for Tony, "Absolutely. Just, be easy. She still has severe PTSD." He sighed as he glanced at his daughter before turning his head the other way.

Tony nodded, walking inside, his eyes locked on Josie.
He carefully and quietly approached her, sitting on the chair next to her bed.

There she lied; in Jeff's jacket and Hannah's blue nail polish that she mindlessly painted on her nails when she thrashed her room. Her eyes were bloodshot, her skin was pale and she looked everything but healthy.

He locked his hands on his knees, looking at the white tiled floor, "You're really strong, Josie." He found himself saying.

"So fucking strong and I love you." Josie whispered to herself, not even aware of who was in the room with her. "He told me that. Jeff. Jeff told me that. Where is he? I miss him."

Tony gulped, staring at her. The sight was heartbreaking but no matter how many people saw her and her state, no heartbreak would ever match hers. His hand reached inside his pocket, thinking if now was the right time. He shook his head to himself, taking his hand out.

A knock gained his attention as he looked towards the door, seeing Clay.
Clay looked at Tony confusingly, "What are you doing here?"

Tony stood, "I came to visit Josie."

"Listen, if you think giving her her tape now is a bright idea, then I suggest you leave." Clay said quietly, standing close to Tony.

Tony shook his head, "I'm not giving it to her now, Clay. But she needs to know." And with that, Tony left.

Tape 5, side B. That was when Clay knew the truth. Hannah could have saved Jeff, somehow. Sheri caused Jeff's death and she was yet to admit it to his parents, she dug her secret so deep into herself, letting it haunt her.
Clay wanted to feel bad for Sheri but he couldn't. It was her fault his friend died, her fault that his other friend was lying in the hospital, depressed and horrified; it was her fault that everyone thought that Jeff was drunk, even his parents.

So now, everyday for the past 2 months, Clay has been visiting Josie. The interaction was heartbreaking; she'd ask him about Jeff every time and tell him to try to call Hannah because she wanted to see her then breakdown when something inside of her flickers, reminding her that neither Jeff nor Hannah can be seen.

"Hey, Jo." Clay sat down, looking at her.

Josie looked at him. He was the only person she'd look at, because he was there with her. She saw him when she saw her boyfriend for the last time, "Clay," She whispered in a raspy voice.

"How are you feeling?" He asked her.

She only shook her head, "Not the right question, Claypole," She smiled halfheartedly.
Clay smiled, his heart fluttering at his friend interacting with him like old times.

"How is your bruise?" Josie asked him quietly, looking at his bandaged bruise.

Clay reflexively touched it gently, "It keeps bleeding but it doesn't hurt."

At the mention of blood, Josie took a sharp breath, closing her eyes as images of Jeff flashed in her mind quickly before disappearing.

Clay, with furrowed eyebrows, asked her, "Are you okay?"

"Is there- Is there a medicine to make all the memories stop?" Josie asked him.

Clay stayed silent. He couldn't answer her. He doesn't know how to.

"I want to be okay again, Clay. It's what he'd want. But how? School will remind me of them. Home will remind me of them. They left a part of themselves in everywhere they went, Clay and I am so broken. I just- I just want to be okay again."


Josie was getting released from the hospital. She walked inside her room, her eyes landing on a shoebox on her bed. She knew one person who used shoeboxes and she wasn't alive anymore.

Her feet rushingly walked towards the box, opening it. She found a single tape inside with 'I'M SORRY' written in blue paint, guessing it was Hannah's nail polish. She took the tape, walking towards her bedside table and taking out her walkman.
She locked her bedroom door before sitting on her bed, adjusting the tape inside the device and wearing her headphones. With reluctant fingers, she pressed play.



I'm laughing at the fact that when I'm not killing anyone, I'm giving you cliffhangers. Why am i like this?

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