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I groan under my breath, sipping on the cup of beer in my hands. Stupid Louis, why did he have to leave me alone in this stupid party. That asshole.

I throw my head back as I down the remaining of my drink, before carelessly tossing the red cup away. I pick up my jacket, that Louis helped by staining it with beer, before slinging it over my shoulder.

"Leaving so soon?" A voice stops my movements and I roll my eyes already knowing who exactly that is.

"Only because you left me alone awkwardly for the past hour, Louis." I grumble and he rolls his eyes, sipping on his beer as he tumbles into the kitchen that I'm in.

"Don't be such a baby, Niall."

"Lou, you know fully well I hate these sort of things. You can get back on your own can't you?" I ask and he pouts but I glower back at him.

"Fine, leave your drunk best friend alone. Leave him to suffer and die of embarrassment when he does his drunkard antics, leave him alone when he passes out on the table, leave him alone to puke his guts out, leave him to somehow find a way back home in this drunkard state." He dramatically says and I narrow my eyes at him, before sighing.

"I hate you." I mumble, sitting back down on the stool, tossing my jacket back on the counter in front of me. Louis grins lazily and tosses his head back, downing his drink.

"And, I love you." He trudges over to me, giving me a big sloppy kiss on my cheek. I grimace, pushing him off me.

"Eww, get the fuck off me." I whine and he chuckles, ruffling up my hair.

"I'm gonna get more drinks." He grins widely before stumbling out of the kitchen and into the backyard where the drinks are at. I sigh, burying my head in my hands, knowing that Louis isn't gonna come back here anytime soon. I should really find a more private place to sit. These drunkard teens could come into the kitchen and possibly mess up the entire place just looking for a cup, and I rather not be here when that happens.

With that thought, I grab my jacket and head out to the backyard, only to see it full of people dancing and talking all around as well. Well, definitely won't find my private spot here. I head back to the kitchen, thanking the heavens that no one came in to take my seat. Only another lad who is rummaging through the cupboard, probably for a mug or something. Told you. At least he doesn't look that drunk.

I awkwardly take a seat at where I was initially sitting, leaning my back on the counter, and pulling out my phone.

"Do you happen to know where the bowls are?" A voice speaks up and I look up from my phone, spinning around in my seat to look at the guy.

"Err.. not really." I mumble awkwardly. He stops his movements and turns to look at me, and God, he has the most beautiful, most mesmerising green eyes I've ever seen.

"Titanic." He suddenly says and I blink, looking at him questionably before he chuckles softly.

"Sorry, that was a bad icebreaker. What's up?" He says and I can't help but to exhale out a laugh, with a small smirk.

"Well, aren't you a clever one." I say and he shoots me a small smile.

"Why, thank you. That's my favourite icebreaker." I raise an eyebrow at him with an unconvinced smirk.

"Does it have high success rate?"

"What? The Titanic? No. Hell no. Sunk on it's first voyage, hit an iceberg." This time, I can't help but to release a soft chuckle, shaking my head slightly. The lad grins amusedly, sticking out his hand.

"I'm Harry." I smile slightly, gripping his tattooed hand and giving it a firm shake.


"So Niall, you know the birthday boy?" He asks, leaning his elbows on the counter opposite me. I shake my head.

"Nope. My friend dragged me here." I tell him and he nods knowingly.

"Same here, that dickhead ditched me for some chick." He grumbles and I chuckle, nodding.

"I think we'll be good friends Harry."

I sigh, turning on my side in my bed frustratedly as that little flashback suddenly hits me once again. And that was four years ago.

Why, why must I always, constantly be thinking about that scene? Simple. I'm in love with Harry. Have been for four whole years. Ever since that stupid party with his gorgeous green eyes and long curly locks that flow past his shoulders. I don't know why or how I fell in love, but I just did.

And they said that falling in love is a wonderful process isn't it? That's where things get complicated.

Why? Only because the guy I'm in love with, is taken. Taken by Chelsea. Which also happens to be a good friend of mine. They have already been together for almost a year and a half, and they are madly in love with each other. They are smitten and so deeply infatuated with each other, everyone in the entire world can see how happy they make each other.

And it's not like Chelsea is some bitch and their relationship has a high risk of resulting in a break up (I can't say I wished it was though, as selfish as it is), but it's far from that. Chelsea is a wonderful being. She's one of my true good friends, which honestly just makes things so much harder. She's kind, down to earth, funny, and always willing to help others. Not to mention, she's beautiful. Downright gorgeous. And this is coming from a gay guy.

No wonder Harry's in love with her.

And the only reason that stupid scene has been playing throughout my head for the past few months is because I can't help but to wish for my best friend to be the same again. Or our friendship at least.

It's not that Harry is a completely changed man. Definitely not. Although his long curls are now gone, he's still the same cheeky, funny, humble lad that he always is.

The thing is, he's just not the same cheeky and funny guy to me. Ever since Harry and Chelsea got together, they have been inseparable. And, sadly, that costed us to drift apart. We see each other everyday, no doubt, but he would still constantly be trapped in his own little world he built with Chelsea. And if Chelsea isn't there, he would be on his phone texting her.

I can't even count the number of times he has bailed on me for Chelsea, and rain checked me for Chelsea.

But honestly? It's okay. Because it's Harry, and I'm in love with him, and I'd do anything for him. Anything in the world to make him happy, even if it's at the cost of my own happiness. They say that love is blind, it definitely is in this case. I have no idea how many times I've already been hurt by Harry and Chelsea, but I don't mind. Because I'm still in love with Harry, and as much as I want to change that, I just can't.

And that's what hurts the most. I liked him first, I loved him first, yet I can never have him, and I never will. All I can do is constantly watch them be happy together, and try to be happy myself.


Hello everybody! So this is a very short introduction/prologue to my new story! I'm pretty excited for this and I have quite a few ideas in mind so I hope you'll like it!!

This book may contain:

-obscene language
-adult themes (adult jokes/humour & sexual scenes)
- Ziall for the first couple of chapters

So if you're not comfortable with these, I think this story isn't for you.

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