17. Birthday boy

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It's Friday today. And it's my birthday. And four days since Harry tried to kiss me again. I wouldn't say that I'm complaining that he did, in fact, I'm over the moon. I honestly would have kissed him back if that did happen for the second time, but at that time, I just really needed to sort things out with Zayn first. I need to find my damn balls to go talk to him before I even try to get myself into shit with Harry.

But sadly, ever since Harry tried to kiss me again, we've been distant. He doesn't dare to look me in the eye when we talk anymore, his eyes don't have the same glint behind them. I'm not sure whether it's about how the 'almost-kiss' went, or the fact that Harry's still upset about his breakup with Chelsea. And honestly, I'm hoping it's the latter, because I really can't stand the thought of us being distant because of a simple mistake.

Though, I definitely still can feel his touch on my cheeks, his breath fanning over my nose, his lips planted on mine. I can still feel all of those on me right now even after a week or so. And trust me, I'd do anything to relive that feeling once more. Just after Zayn.

Speaking of Zayn, that's just exactly what's going on right now. Zayn and I just finished our lunch at some cafe, and we're walking back to my place with cups of milkshakes in our hands before he has to go for his shift later at 3.

"Are you all packed for your camping trip with Louis and Harry?" Zayn asks as he sips on his milkshake. I smile sheepishly, shaking my head.

"Haven't even started. It's still in like two days. We haven't even went out to buy our stuff for it yet. Would probably do it tomorrow with either Lou or Harry." I tell him. And I'm really hoping I can go with Harry, at the same time, I don't really want to.

"That's nice." Zayn nods, slurping on his milkshake once more. I drink my own delicious milky goodness, while leading the way up the flight of stairs to my flat.

"Ni," Zayn calls, squeezing my hand that's in his slightly to grab my attention.

"Hmm?" I hum in response, looking down at him since he's a step lower than me.

He tugs on my hand slightly, pulling me down before he crashes our lips together in a messy make out session. There were sparks, no doubt. But they weren't flames and fireworks and explosions. I had that with Harry.

We blindly make our way up the remaining steps to my flat, lips still glued together as we stumble through the corridor.

I pull back from the kiss just for a second to look for my key in my pocket before shoving it into the keyhole. Zayn's lips attach themselves to my neck and I release a breathy moan, hurriedly pushing open the door and connecting our lips once more.

He gently cups my cheeks, bringing me in closer and kissing me harder, slipping his tongue through.

"Woah, couldn't you guys wait till you got into the room?" Someone groans and I pull back from Zayn, releasing a soft suction sound between us.

I turn, to see Louis' hands over his eyes, making me giggle softly.

"Is the scene PG yet?" He asks, making me roll my eyes.

"Yes Lou." I sing song and he removes his hands, giving me a toothy grin. I grab Zayn's hand and bring us into the living room after closing the door behind me.

"Aren't you supposed to be at the shop?" I ask casually.

"What? Want me gone so you guys can fuck on the couch?" He narrows his eyes at me, making me roll my eyes and for Zayn to chuckle softly.

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