27. It's all swim and games!

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Harry's arm around me tightens slightly before he releases soft grumbles and a little yawn, signalling he's awake.

"Ni?" He mumbles, his morning voice deep and raspy, which makes my heart thump a little harder. "You awake?" He asks.

"Nope." I mumble back in response, although I've been awake for a good half an hour. He chuckles softly, and I smile to myself.

"Good morning." I greet him anyway, turning around to face him. He smiles lazily at me, his eyes still closed, making me giggle softly.

He leans forward, but I lean backwards and he squints an eye open at me, narrowing his eyes. I chuckle softly, sitting up.

"I gotta take a piss." I give him a cheeky wink before climbing out of our tent.

It looks to be about 8 or 9 in the morning, definitely much warmer than it was last night, which is good.

Neither Louis nor El are up yet, which, I'm not surprise at. I take the rather long walk towards the dodgy looking shed, which is a common bathroom for everyone. I'm rather glad that this place is a legitimate camping site with a 'proper' bathroom. I would not like to take a piss or bathe in the lake.

I quickly do what I need to do, before heading back to the site, to note that no one is out yet. Lazy bums.

I take it upon myself to 'make' breakfast. I head towards to the truck, pulling out a loaf of bread, some spreads, and some plastic utensils.

I finish making the sandwiches, pulling out my phone, and am glad to see that the weather forecast is sunny and the temperature seems to be higher than yesterday.

I was gonna reach for my second sandwich when I hear the zipper of a tent opening.

I smile as Harry lazily traipses his way towards me, kissing the top of my head when doing so.

"Help yourself." I pass him the plate of sandwiches and he smiles gratefully, mumbling a thanks, obviously still half asleep.

It's a comfortable silence between us, until of course, Louis had to ruin it by screaming the top of his lungs a good morning to us.

"Someone woke up on the right side of bed today." I say, quirking an eyebrow. He smiles gleefully, making his way towards us, followed by El coming out of their tent as well.

"If you call the right side of bed, sex then yeah." He nonchalantly says and I watch as El rolls her eyes with a bright blush.

Harry and I exchange glances before we fake gag.

"Anyway," I change the topic, passing them the plate of sandwiches, to which they mumbled their thanks to. 

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