08. Do you really?

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chapter 8


"What is home Harry?" He asks once more. "Is home somewhere that makes you happy?" He slurs out. "Because if that's what it is, then I don't have a home!" He cries out and I get stumped for a second. Niall may be drunk, but he's still able to say things that has always been on his mind.

"So you aren't happy? Why's that?" I ask.

"I'm- I'm happy." He burps out once more.

"Just not truly happy."

I get stumped at his words and my movements freeze. I turn to look at Niall, to see a frown on his lips despite him being dead drunk.

Niall has always been the most carefree one, always lightening up the room with his contagious laugh and really bright smile. To think that deep down inside his happy, joyous exterior, he's not feeling truly happy, it breaks my heart. It really does. It pains me to see someone I truly care about feeling this way, to know how he truly feels.

And I'm a shit friend for not noticing this before. I mean, he doesn't show it, but a true friend should be able to tell whether his best mate is truly happy or not, considering we know each other for years. I should have known this. But I don't. And this realisation is slowly but deeply carving this fact deep down into my heart. And it pains me to know that Niall is probably hurting more than what I'm feeling now. He's the one that is constantly painting on a smile, he's the one that's always making us smile, he's the one that's constantly putting other's happiness before his own.

I snap out of my little thoughts when I feel Niall slipping out from my hold slowly. I push those thoughts of Niall to the back of my mind before unlocking my car, and helping Niall in.

I huff out a breath of air when I've successfully done so, gently tugging on his jacket that has fallen over his shoulders, back up.

"Why're you standing over there with your clothes on?" He suddenly belts out the lyrics of Rihanna's Skin.

"Come on baby, something something take 'em off." He continues to sing inaudibly with some missing lyrics, and I chuckle in amusement, gently nudging his chin with a hooked finger.

"You're cute, Niall." I smirk slightly and he grins lazily.

"You don't mean that!" He whines and I chuckle once more.

"I do, Niall." I say with a soft laugh.

"Are we getting married, Harreh!" He slurs and I smirk in amusement.

"If you want to, Nialler." I say and he grins lazily. I laugh, shaking my head and gently closing the door before jogging over to the driver's side.

I quickly start up the car, before driving down the street towards Niall and Louis' place. The entire ride was rather silent, besides the fact that Niall would randomly belt out inaudible murmurs, which I actually found to be rather funny and adorable.

I put my car in park along the street right in front of their walk up flat before quickly climbing out and jogging over to Niall's side.

"Ni?" I call, while unfastening his seat belt. His eyes slit open slightly and he smiles widely.

"Hey! You're my husband!" He calls out, pointing at me. I chuckle, nodding.

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