25. Sticky Situation!

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"C'mon, c'mon, get up Ni!" Someone starts shouting in my ear and I feel my bed being dipped up and down repeatedly.

"We're leaving you behind, if you don't get your Irish ass up." He pretends to threaten.

"It's too early, Lou." I whine, turning on my side, away from him.

"Do you want Harry to fuck you in a tent or not?" He basically screams in my ear. I mentally roll my eyes, blindly pushing him away.

Although, that indeed caught my attention. That could be fun.

"Alright I'm up." I grumble and I squint my eyes open, narrowing my eyes slightly at him.

"Knew that would wake you up, horny bastard." He grins, throwing a pillow in my face, making me huff out in annoyance.

"Right. So what's the plan?" I ask, pushing myself out of bed.

"Harry's coming over soon with a pickup truck that we're renting and then we're gonna pick Eleanor and we're off." He tells me and I nod.

"What time is it anyway?" I ask, walking out of my room and he follows behind.

"Quarter to eight." He replies nonchalantly, making me whine softly.

"I'll be sure to keep you awake for the next few nights." I say, shooting him a little smirk and he rolls his eyes.

"Oh, we'll see, Horan. We'd be making sure that even the animals can't have their sleep." He winks and I chuckle.

"Is that a challenge, Tomlinson?"

"If you're up for it, yeah."

"You're on, dickhead."


"No you're fucking not. I called shotgun." I whine, trying to push Lou's hand off the door handle of the pickup truck.

"Tell 'im Harry

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"Tell 'im Harry." I say, snapping my head towards him.

"El can give you a handjob if you sit at the back, Lou." Harry says and I throw my head back in laughter.

"H! Don't give him any ideas." I pretend to scold and Harry gives me a cheeky smirk, shrugging.

"That's what I'm talking about, lad. Shotgun's all yours." Louis claps me on my back before opening the back door. I grin, climbing into the passenger seat as Harry climbs into the driver's.

"I want a handjob as well." I whisper cheekily in Harry's ear as we pull on our seat belts. He chuckles, shooting me a smirk.

"Unless you want us to crash and burn in an accident, let's wait till we're in a tent." He winks and I laugh softly, my cheeks heating up slightly.

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