06. It's Sunday

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Double update just because the previous one was utter crap haha xx hope you guys like this one!! (even tho it's sort of filler-ish)

Chapter 6

N I A L L 

I hum in content as he trails his lips down my neck, gently sucking on the soft skin, licking over the sensitive area. His long hair starts to tickle my cheek, making me release a soft giggle.

"Zayn," I release a breathy laugh, playfully pushing him off me.

"It's too early for this." I mumble and he chuckles cutely, nuzzling his face into my neck, pulling me closer by my waist.

"It's never too early." He refutes lamely and I laugh softly, turning on my side to face him. He grins lazily, and I gently thread my fingers through his long hair, pushing it back.

"Besides, it's almost 2 in the afternoon." He whines.

"What? 2?" I gasp and I immediately shoot out of bed but realisation hits me and I relax.

"Oh wait. I don't work at Primark anymore." I say and he chuckles, nodding.

"Mhmm, so if you could come back and cuddle that'll be great." He smiles lazily and I grin, lying back down in his arms.

He gently rolls above me, smiling down at me, before gently pressing our lips together. I smile slightly into the kiss, the little sparks of happiness bubbling within me, tickling my insides. And really, I'm kind of glad that Harry isn't the only person who can make me feel this way.

He slips his tongue in teasingly, making himself comfortable between my legs.  I run my hands up and down his warm, bare back, before gently gripping his waist.

"Niall! Niall??" Someone pounds on the door outside, and I groan softly, and Zayn chuckles softly, rolling himself off me, not before kissing me once more.

"Niall!" The person calls again, and knocks relentlessly on the door. I sit up, pushing myself lazily out of bed and pulling on a random pair of boxers that was left lying somewhere on the floor.

"Go get the damn door, Niall! We're kind of busy!" Louis shouts from the room next to us and I roll my eyes, smirking to myself.

"I'm coming!" I shout back, jogging over to the door, wincing slightly as a sharp pain shoots through my lower back. Damn it, Zayn.

I swing the door open, only to be met with Harry who's smiling widely at me.

"Harry? What are you doing here?" I ask confused, but still stepping aside to let him in.

"Sorry, was I interrupting something?" He shoots me a little smirk and I flush, closing the door behind me.

"Yes you kinda were." I say with a straight face and he chuckles. "It's a Sunday." I add and he chuckles.

"Can't I want to see my best friend on a Sunday?" He gives me a little wink and I still can't help the little butterflies in my tummy. Damn it.

"Definitely can." I say with a small laugh, gesturing for him to sit on the little couch.

"But isn't Sunday your day with Chelsea?" I ask, quirking an eyebrow as I make my way to the little kitchen, pouring for him a glass of water.

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