28. Last Day!

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A rather short chapter, sorry x


Unfortunately, it's our last full day we have for camping, and Harry and I decided to make full use of our time here. Which is why we are awake even before the sun is up and decided to go hiking. Not my favourite thing to do at like, quarter past six, but Harry really wanted to see the sunrise, and who's to say no to that?

"Hazzzyyyyy..." I whine. I should actually call him that more often, I know it pisses him off because he thinks it's too 'childish' but I think it's cute.

"I'm tired." I grumble. Even if his back is to me, I just know that he rolled his eyes at me.

"We've only been hiking for like fifteen minutes, Nialler." He refutes, turning back to look at me.

I huff childishly. "Easy for you to say. You're not the one who got fucked in the ass last night." He throws his head back in laughter at my words.

"You liked it though." He replies and I roll my eyes.

"Yes. And you still owe me a blowjob." He chuckles softly.

"I know, babe. Those words are probably carved into my mind by now. You've been saying that since we woke up." He says with a little smirk, taking my hand as he helps me up a high step.

"Although, I must remind you. I haven't given a blowjob before." He adds and for a second I get taken aback, because I completely forgot that I'm the first guy Harry has been with.

I grin widely. "I'm more honoured than anything, love. But you do know that I'm just joking right? You don't have to give me one if you aren't comfortable. I'll gladly take that job off your shoulders." I shoot him a wink, nudging his ribs with my elbow.

He laughs softly, nodding.

"Anyway, are we almost there?" I change the topic.

"Just up this hill."

I stole a glance over and up his strong, handsome face that's glistening in small beads of perspiration, the top of his cheekbones highlighted beautifully. He's literally glowing. Heat rose to my cheeks just at the sight of him. It's crazy to think he has such a strong effect over me. Thankfully, he's looking straight ahead and hadn't seen me blush; he didn't have to know that I blushed just by staring at him.

Harry and I continue the rest of the hike up, and one thing that I've learnt is that I'm not a fit person, whatsoever. I mean, I probably already knew that but I've just taken notice of it. Time to start running. If I'm not too lazy, that is.

"Oh thank god." I exclaim exaggeratedly, plopping down on the gravel ground, almost groaning at how sharp the little pebbles or stones are, but I didn't really care.

Harry takes a seat next to me, and I melt at the sight. Both at the view and Harry. More on Harry though. His arms splayed out behind him, resting on his palms, just accentuates his toned arms. My eyes trace over every dip and contour on his perfectly sculpted, glistening body. He isn't overly built where muscles are protruding out, but instead has the perfect amount of muscles that sit beautifully under his tan skin. His black fedora sits on his head of curls, his shades perched on his nose, although, I don't understand why he's wearing them so early. Good lord, is he hot.

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