22. Patch things up

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Plus, another quick update since it's a rather short chapter xx


I lazily push myself through the doors of the bar, my eyes immediately landing on Zayn who's giving Josh a hug.

"We'll miss you around here, Zayn." I hear Josh say and my eyes widen. What? Why would Josh say that?

"Yeah, me too, Josh." I vaguely hear Zayn's voice as well. And god, I really do miss his voice. Maybe not in the romantic sense, but I definitely still miss him.

Zayn pulls away from the hug with Josh before he turns around, his eyes landing on me and his small smile he had on previously immediately gets replaced by a small frown.

"You're not quitting, are you?" I whisper and he doesn't say a thing but walks towards where I am, near the entrance.

"I am." He mumbles. He stops before me, digs through his pocket before pulling out a small shiny object.

"Here." He whispers, handing it to me. I look down in my hands, seeing that it's the key to the locker, when I look back up, he's already gone from my sight. Immediately, I spin on my heel, going after him.

"Horan! Where the fuck do you think you're going?" I hear Carl shouting after me but I ignore him, not giving him a second glance.

"Zayn!" I call, surprisingly managing to catch up with him, and even stepping in front of him.

"Niall, I really don't-"

"I know. I know you don't want to talk, I know that you don't even want to look at me, but please, you don't have to do anything, just listen. Please?" I look into his eyes, begging for a reaction from him. His eyes soften by a notch before he nods slowly. I breathe out a small puff of breath in relief.

"I know you hate me. It's okay, because I hate myself too. I hate myself for putting you in this mess, hate myself for ruining what we had, both romantically and friendship wise. I hate myself for breaking your heart, for causing you so much hurt, heartache and pain, hate myself for not being able to return back your feelings fully. I hate myself for making you lose one of your best mates. I hate myself for cheating on you. I hate myself because I made you, one of the most important person in my life, leave, hate me. And I'm so incredibly sorry, Z, for all of that. I'm just so sorry. Trust me when I say this, Zayn, I swear upon my life that it was never, never my intention to hurt you,"

"But you did." I heard him mumble under his breath, making my heart crack slightly.

"I know." I breathe out. " I know I did. And I am incredibly sorry from the bottom of my heart. I am. My head was just in a mess, I couldn't control my stupid feelings, I couldn't control my hormones, and fuck, I just didn't know what I was doing, okay, Zayn? I-" a soft sob interrupts me and that's when I realise I was crying.

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