31. Oh for f*ks sake!

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Updating because it's my birthday hehehe although, horrible attempt of a chapter ha sozz :(


To Ni💙💚:
I'm coming over xx

From Ni💙💚:
Don't. I'll go over to yours. Lou and El are way too loud 🙄 xx

To Ni💙💚:
Haha at 6 in the evening? Gosh. Anyway, alright, I'm calling Chinese xx

From Ni💙💚:
To them, it doesn't matter what time it is. xx

From Ni💙💚:
By the way, did I mention, you're the best? be over in a few xx

From Ni💙💚:
Oh, and when's Chelsea coming back from her parents? I mean, just asking.

To Ni💙💚:
Chelsea won't be back till tomorrow morning. Just come over you doof xx oh, and you may or may not have mentioned I'm the best a couple of times ;) xx

From Ni💙💚:
On my way xx 😘

I smile, locking my phone and plugging it into my charger to charge for a bit.

I puff out a breath of air. I finally get time alone with Niall. I mean, I know it's my fault that I seldom get time alone with Niall because Chelsea's still in all of this, but I just can't do that to her either. I can't just simply drop the bomb on her like that. I plan to 'bring her down' gently. How I'm gonna do it, I'm not too sure.

I know I'm a dick for leading Chelsea on like that, for cheating on her with Niall, but I just.. for one, I can't keep myself away from Niall and two, I just don't know how to break it to her.

And to be honest, I don't even know if I want to tell her, but I won't tell anyone that. Ever. I know I need to tell her sooner or later, but I just can't bring myself to do it. I was so in love with Chelsea, and she has been such a wonderful person in my life, she was the first girl I actually loved, I just can't do that to her, and I don't want to do that to her either.

I know it's so incredibly unfair to Niall as well. Well, it's pretty self explanatory isn't it— why it's unfair to him. I guess I will tell her. Just depends on how and when I'll do it, and I'm kind of waiting for the right time as well. Chelsea has been so happy lately, who am I to ruin her happiness just like that? Thing is though, there probably isn't a 'right' time. Now's a good a time as any since no matter what, I would have to break her heart if Niall's the one I want to be with. And Niall's the one I really want to be with.

I sigh, pushing those thoughts to the back of my mind. I pick up the menu for Chinese, picking out mine and Niall's usual orders.

Just as I've put the phone down, I hear a loud string of knocks on the door. There's a skip in my step as I make my way to the door, excited to see Niall. I mean, I just saw him yesterday but.. Yeah.

I swing open the door with a grin, expecting to see Niall but instead, I'm met Liam.

Liam chuckles, pushing his way into my flat. "Don't look so disappointed. Were you expecting someone else?" He asks with a small smirk, making himself comfortable on my sofa.

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