35. Caught

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So sorry for publishing the wrong chapter again arghhhh 🙄🙄🙄 I was simply grabbing my phone but my fat fingers had to barely press the publish button🙂🙄


Our tongues messily battle and fight for dominance, my hands trailing up and down his back, desperate to feel every bit of his skin under my palms. God, I can never get enough of him.

My mind becomes a hot mess, everything around us becoming a blur and I can feel us building our very own world, for us two, where it's only us two. Us two against the fucking world. The bubble encases us, protecting us from everything else. Whenever I'm with Harry, I feel.. I feel almost 'invincible', if that's the word.

Harry trails his hand down to the hem of my tshirt, before pulling the thin fabric over my head. My mind buzzes and my breathing erratic.

I reach out to cup his neck, but before I could even pull his head down to meet back with mine, there's a loud thud which bursts the bubble around us. And it made my heart jump out of my chest for a second at the sudden sound, my heart beating fast and hard at the shock. Simply put it, it scared the bejesus out of me.

Harry turns around and looks over his shoulder, his body tensing up and cursing under his breath.

"Oh my god." He breathes out.

"For fucks sake you guys!" Louis' voice squeals and I puff out a breath of relief, my heart rate dropping drastically in a snap.

"More like, for fucks sake, Louis!" Harry counters. "What are you even doing here? This is my place." He mumbles before quickly pressing his lips onto my neck, obviously trying to 'scare' Louis away. He puckers his lips, sucking slightly harder on my thin skin.

"What, I can't just come over to see you?" Louis hits back. "Just kidding. I didn't come over to see your stupid face anyway. Neither of you were answering your phones so I popped by, knowing you guys would be here. Wanted to ask if you guys wanted to go down to the ice skating rink." He says.

"You knew we were here and you still came? Knowing we might be up to something?" I state disbelievingly, while letting my senses soak in Harry's affectionate little peppers of kisses across my collar bones. "Do you want a free show or what?" I add with a small smirk.

"Eww no way. Is it so bad that I just want to talk to you guys for one second?" He whines and I chuckle softly.

"'Course not. Go on." I reply nonchalantly, but his words are entering a ear and leaving the other. Harry sucks particularly hard on a sensitive spot, releasing an involuntary moan from me.

"Oh my god. You know what, nevermind. I'll just come back later." Louis groans, and I just know that he rolled his eyes, making me chuckle once more. I hear his heavy footsteps padding towards Harry's front door.

"So we still up for ice skating or what?" He practically shouts from outside, making me roll my eyes.

"Sure." Harry and I reply at the same time.

I can hear the door opening and slamming shut before I release a soft sigh of relief.

At that moment, it's like everything else disappears once more, lost in our own little world. One of my hands reach up to grip and tangle in his short curls, feeling that same bubble encasing us in our own world once again.

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