33. Kitchen Duty

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Semi fetus narry? YES PLEASE + Take a good look at Niall's arms
++ Harry looks so smol in the pic
+++ sorry for the short filler, still trying to build towards the next part of the story xx


"Do you have to?" I whine, dragging out my words. Harry smiles sympathetically at me, nodding as he pulls on his jeans.

"Yeah love. Sorry, I told Chelsea that I would have lunch with her. Plus, I don't want to make it suspicious that I'm not hanging out with her as much." He says and I nod.

"That makes sense." I mumble. He stops putting on his clothes and makes his way over to me, before sitting down next to me on my bed.

"I'll see you at work later alright?" He says, gently combing his fingers through my hair. I nod.

"Mhmm." He gives me a little smile, leans down and presses a chaste kiss to my lips before standing back up to wear the rest of his clothes.


"Hmm?" He answers, pulling his shirt over his head.

"I don't mean to sound like a dick, but are you ever gonna tell Chelsea?" I ask softly. Because frankly, I'm kind of losing my patience. Don't get me wrong, i know how hard it is for him, and I love spending time with Harry, I love whatever's happening between us, but it's just so wrong. So fucking wrong, and honestly, I don't know how Harry is able to live with the guilt. I was only with Zayn for two months and I felt like absolute shit when I cheated on him, and I still do. God knows how Harry is able to hold up for that long of a time. And he has been with this girl for almost two years.

It has been about two weeks since Chelsea came back from her parents and almost caught Harry and I having sex on his fucking couch, and the two of us have been extra careful since then.

"I will, Ni. I'm just not sure when. When I feel like the time is right, I'll do it." He answers and I simply nod.

"Alright." I whisper. He adjusts his shirt before leaning down to press another kiss to my lips.

"I'll see you later, baby." He smiles beautifully and I nod with a lazy smile.

"Bye, H." I smile.

He gives me another glance before he steps out of my room.

I can vaguely hear Harry and Louis exchanging some words before I hear the main door opening and closing, signalling Harry has left.

I push myself out of bed, picking up my pair of boxers that was tossed carelessly aside last night, but decided against wearing it and reaching for my towel instead. I could really use a shower.

I wrap the towel around my waist, before striding out of my room.

"Morning." I greet Louis who is seated on the couch, too focused on his phone.

"It's twelve." He simply answers and I roll my eyes.

"Don't you have to go down to the store?" I ask casually as I make my way towards the bathroom.

"It's close today." He answers.

I strip from my clothes before standing under the shower head, letting the warm water tumble down my back, washing away all the impurities. And when I say impurities, I really mean, impurities— both in terms of last night's activities and the guilt of making Harry cheat on Chelsea with me.

I could pester Harry to tell Chelsea, but really, who am I to do that? He's cheating on Chelsea with me, me. The third person is never supposed to do that. Never. That would just be acting like an asshole, not to mention a huge dick.

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