12. We're just best friends

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Boring + short chapter I'm soz xx

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Boring + short chapter I'm soz xx


"Anyway, Har, I have this company dinner and they're allowing us to bring a date. Come with me?"

"Yeah sure, when's this?"

"This Sunday."

I can't help but to tense slightly at that.

Great. Just great. Now I'm practically forced into the situation of choosing between my best friend or my girlfriend. I want to choose to go with Chelsea for one, just to make her happy. But at the same time, I actually really am not that interested in going in the first place. Not to be rude, but I'm a hundred and one percent sure that I'll be bored out of my mind if I go, and to be honest, I would much rather spend that Sunday camping with Niall and Lou instead. But of course, I'd never tell Chelsea that. It'll break her.

I glance over at Niall for a second, silently begging for him to help me say something. Niall can read me like a book, but sometimes he doesn't say the best of answers.

"Babe? You okay?" Chelsea asks softly and I turn to look at her, feeling rather torn and indecisive.

"Yeah, erm.." I trail off.

"Harry," Niall calls, and my head snaps towards him. "Go. We can postpone it to another day." He says leaving a small smile at the end.

That's what I meant by Niall not saying the right answers. I don't want to postpone the camping trip, and I don't want to go on this dinner. I want to go camping. I sound like a whiney bitch, but I really don't want to go for this company dinner. I've been to one of these before with Chelsea when we just got together, and well, I was bored out of my mind, not to mention, so badly judged by her colleagues.

I was about to refute out of 'natural instinct' but I clamp my mouth shut, knowing that I'm just gonna hurt Chelsea's feelings.

"Postpone what?" Chelsea pipes in.

"Niall, Louis and I were supposed to go for a camping trip on Sunday. Just for like a pre celebration for Niall's birthday." I tell her and I watch as Chelsea's eyes fall slightly.

"Oh." She mumbles and guilt immediately washes over me. I turn to Niall, just to see that his expression mirrors mine.

Niall taps me on the shoulder, and I turn to face him.

"Go with Chels. The camping trip isn't as important as her company dinner." He tells me reassuringly. But it is. It is just as important. Okay, maybe not, but it is to me.

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