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"shake off all of your sins and give them to me"


THE following morning, Octavia headed to Chancellor Palpatine's location, where she would be met with the Senator herself. The Padawan was nervous to be committing to a mission alone, but she knew that this would cause a great improvement in her training. As she fixed up her beige Jedi robes, she entered the room in which she was surrounded by various authorities and the Chancellor himself.

"Ah, young Octavia. Welcome. I understand you have been assigned to be the protection of Senator Amidala?" The Chancellor spoke. He sat in a chair in front of a window that outlooked Coruscant, his arms neatly placed on the armrests in front of him. The two had met before, and the girl still felt an edge of uneasiness around him. Perhaps it was his authority. Perhaps it was his power. Whatever it was, she did not have a great liking in the old man.

"Hello, Chancellor. Yes, I have, will she be arriving soon?" Octavia asked, keeping her head held high to show her confidence. Her hair shone in the broad daylight, the highlight on her skin glowing in the sun that gleamed through the windows, making her prominent beauty stand out.

"Shortly, I believe." The Chancellor said. As if on cue, the Senator walked into the office as Octavia briskly moved to stand next to Master Mace Windu, who nodded to her in acknowledgment. All authorities stood from their spaces as the Senator approached, followed by other highly ranked members.

Master Yoda approaches the young Senator, tapping her gently with his cane.

"With you, the force is strong, young Senator. To see you alive, brings warm feelings to my heart." He spoke with sincerity.

"Thank you, Master Yoda. Do you have any idea who was behind this attack?" Padmé spoke. Octavia looked at her, her eyes taking in the Senator's obvious beauty. She knew of her story, how she was only very young when she was announced Queen of Naboo, and how she became the Senator, but she had never actually had any type of communication with her. This would be the first time, and the Padawan felt her palms begin to grow clammy.

"Our intelligence points to disgruntled spice miners on the moons of Naboo." Master Windu spoke up, and Padmé's eyes briefly caught Octavia's before moving to his.

"I don't wish to disagree, but I think Count Dooku was behind it." Padmé told him, creating a stir of surprise amongst the room.

Throughout the discussion, Octavia was beginning to feel more and more out of place as she was surrounded by the various Jedi Master's and Officials, and she was slowly beginning to regret agreeing to this task.

Her trail of thought soon left as the officials continued their conversations and debates, however her eyes still switched upon the Senator and the Chancellor.

"Master Jedi, as you know, the Senator has been placed under the protection of your graces, with Octavia Monoré." Chancellor Palpatine spoke, gesturing towards Octavia. All eyes darted to her, and she suddenly felt extremely small. Like a child in a room full of adults.

"Do you think that is a wise use of manpower during these stressful times?" Bail Organa asked, looking between myself and the Chancellor.

Padmé's eyes looked over the young girl once again, before turning towards the Chancellor, her eyes burning with retaliation and protest. "Chancellor, if I may comment, I do not believe the..."

"...situation is that serious?" The chancellor cut her off, "no, but I do, Senator."

"Chancellor, please! I don't want anymore guards!" The Senator was frustrated, with this situation and with the lives she would be putting at risk.

"I realise all too well that additional security might be disruptive for you, but perhaps we can involve someone you are familiar with along with Octavia...an old friends like...Master  Kenobi." The Chancellor reasoned. Octavia felt like she had a huge weight lifted off of her shoulders, knowing that she may not be fully alone.

"That's possible," Master Windu says nodding, "he has just returned from a Border dispute in Anison."

"You must remember him, M'lady, he watched over you during the blockade conflict." Chancellor Palpatine tried to reason with the Senator, but she was not interested.

"This is not necessary, Chancellor." Padmé released a defeated sigh. She wanted to be independent, however she understood the reasons why this amount of protection was placed upon her. She was an important figure, and important figures were always at risk.

After a few more moments of compromising, the Senator finally gave in and when to depart from the Chancellor's office. Octavia took this as her cue to follow the beautiful woman, but was stopped by Master Windu.

"Master Secura believes in you. I know this is your first task without her, and I believe that you will do well as long as you follow the instructions that you have been set." Master Windu looked down on the fairly short girl, who looked up at him with knowing authority clouding her eyes.

"Yes, Master. I will do my best to please the Council and to reach my expectations." She told him, not once looking away.

"I know you will. May the Force be with you."

"May the Force be with you too, Master." And with that, Octavia nodded her head and swiftly caught up with the Senator who was in deep conversation with Bail Organa.

"I understand that they want me to be protected, but it is not necessary. I have enough protection as it is. I don't want more people being put at risk because of this." Padmé huffed, her eyes keeping on track of her path.

"We do understand, Senator, but your importance is not unnoticed, and neither are the threats made against you. As soon as we find out who the assassin is, this will all be over." Bail reasoned with her, and Octavia saw the hint of hope in Padmé Amidala's dark eyes.

She looked over to Octavia, who smiled at her gently, but slightly intimidated.

"So, you're the Jedi who has been assigned for my protection." She stopped, along with everybody else, and turned to face the Padawan. "I believe we haven't formerly met. I'm Senator Padmé Amidala, but you, of course, can just call me Padmé." She smiled a genuine kind smile, making the tension release off of Octavia's shoulders. She held out her hand which the teenage Padawan took and shook gratefully.

"Octavia Monoré. I'm the Padawan leaner of Master Aayla Secura." The girl spoke, with more confidence in her words.

"I haven't seen Master Secura in a long time. How is she?" Padmé asked as the group began to walk again.

"She is well. This is the first task that she has assigned me to do alone. I have been her apprentice for nearly nine years now. Time really has flown." Octavia smiled, looking down as they approached the Senate apartments.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that she is well. Is there an apartment that you have been assigned to staying in?" She asked, as the others began to bow towards her before departing their separate ways, aside from the young Gungan, Jar Jar Binks.

''Um, no I don't believe I have-''

''No worries. You are my protection, aren't you? I have a spare room in my apartment that you may stay in.'' The Senator cut the girl off. It had been a long time since she had interacted with women that were not her Handmaidens, and Padmé enjoyed the new found relationship between the two.

''Thank you, Padmé.'' The Padawan replied, a smile creeping up in her pale face.

And so, the two waited patiently for the other two Jedi's to arrive, burying themselves in conversations to do with the advantages and disadvantages of their very different lives. Octavia sensed the feelings of a new found friend, and the young Padawan discovered that she may just enjoy her mission after all.

[this chapter was just a filler and it is rather suckish but the drama is coming up very soon!!!]

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