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''her lips are like the galaxies edge, and her kiss the colour of a constellation falling into place''


PADMÉ and Octavia sat together in her apartment, having a light conversation on their stories. Since Octavia was unsure on the politics and the debates that had been going on, the young Senator was explaining them to her, which Octavia was grateful for. Although she hated the idea of politics, she knew that she needed some sort of knowledge on the matter, even if she was only protecting the woman.

Jar Jar, who was wandering the corridors, soon caught the attention of the two women has he cried with happiness.

''Obi? Obi! Meesa so smilen to see'en yousa!'' he shouted in joy, making Octavia giggle a little. The Senator looked at the girl rolled her eyes at Jar Jar's ecstatic behaviour, before the two stood.

Jar Jar returned to the room, the two Jedi following behind him ''Lookie, lookie!''

Octavia's eyes trailed to the older man, who's hair which matched the beige shade of sand ended just above his shoulders, a beard of the same colour neatly shaped around his face. His beige robes folwed behind him, his silver lightsaber gleaming by his belt. The Padawan had only ever briefly met Obi-Wan Kenobi, however her memories of him were faded.

''It's a great pleasure to see you again, M'Lady.'' The Jedi Master spoke, offering the Senator a small smile.

''It has been far too long, Master Kenobi. I'm so glad that our paths have crossed again, but I must inform you that I think your presence here is unnecessary.'' Padmé told him, in the politest way she possibly could. Octavia smirked a little at her response, but it was soon wiped off of her face as she noticed Obi-Wan's Padawan glance over in her direction.

''I'm sure the Jedi Council have their reasons.'' He replied, before his eyes wandered over to Octavia, whos arms were placed gently by her sides. ''You must be the Padawan of Master Aayla Secura. I'm sure we have met before?'' he asked, raising an eyebrow in recognition.

''Yes, Master, a long time ago though, I believe. I had not long begun my training.'' Octavia explained, her eyes flicking between the Master and his Apprentice.

''You have grown, I must say. This is my apprentice, Anakin Skywalker.'' He gestured to the boy, who was only slightly older that Octavia, who looked at her with a small smile on his face. She nodded towards him, smiling also, before quickly looking away, aware of his burning gaze upon her. She had never met this boy before, and had only ever briefly herd his name being mentioned, along with the fact that he was the supposed 'Chosen One.' His hair was short, a similar shade to Obi-Wan's with the Padawan braid neatly hanging over his shoulder. His skin was tanned, which lead Octavia to assume that her was from a desert planet of some sort.

The formalities continued, before Padmé decided to retire for the night. Everybody bowed towards her, before promptly leaving the room to give her some space. Although Octavia was going to be staying with the Senator, she knew that she needed her space, which she was more than happy to give her.

Anakin looked over to Octavia, who was at least a head shorter than him. ''So, how long have you been a Padawan?'' He asked, as Obi-Wan Kenobi was beckoned by Captain Typho. He left the two, making Octavia feel slightly less awkward. She was so used to being with her own Master, that she never really had much time to be greeted by other Jedi Master's or Padawan's.

''For nearly nine years, now. My Master found me on my home planet of Takodana and discovered that I was Force-sensitive. What about you?'' She asked him, looking up at him as he continued to look straight ahead.

''About ten years now. Obi-Wan and his Master, Qui-Gon, found me on Tatooine and freed me from slavery.'' He explained, his eyes skimming over her.

''You were a slave? I didn't even realise the slave trade was still a thing.'' The girl was shocked, slavery was practically none-existent on her home planet. Her heart sank, as she noticed a hurt look in his eyes, which were a similar shade of blue to hers. ''I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that.'' She murmured, embarrassment weaving it's way through her body.

''No, it's fine. I just worry about my Mother, that's all. I haven't seen her since I left.'' His voice was low, the pain of missing her evident. Octavia did not know this type of unknowing pain, yet she knew it was unimaginable.

''I'm sure she is fine. I bet she's more than happy that you're here now. I mean, look how far you've come. I never thought I'd have gotten to this point when I left.'' The young girl looked up to him again, smiling a little as she spoke. He sighed, before nodding.

''You're right. She was happy.'' There was a pause between the two, before Anakin continued. ''What about your parents? Did they know that you were Force-Sensitive?''

A wave of sadness struck Octavia's body, as she looked down at her feet and began to fiddle with her braid.

''They, uh, they died when I was very young, so I don't think they ever knew. Then again, I was only a child, so even if they did I guess they were planning on keeping it from me until I was older.'' She shrugged, a sigh escaping her lips as she finished her response.

''Octavia, I'm so sorry. I can't imagine what you are going through.'' Anakin's voice was sincere, his footsteps immediately halting as he turned to face her.

She shrugged again, smiling a little at him. ''It was a long time ago, and a lot has changed. I had my time to mourn and now I've moved on.''

''I understand. Even now, I see Obi-Wan as the Father I never had, with everything he has done for me. And because we've been together for so long.'' Anakin smiled at the thought of his Master. Although they both drove each other insane, they were a family, and they trusted each other with their lives.

''I suppose that's the best part about it, really. We have a family. We are a family.'' She grinned at her statement, which Anakin found very amusing as his grin followed right after hers.

''Yeah. I guess we are.''

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