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"she could not live an ordinary life
with the mysteries of the universe
hidden in her eyes."


IT didn't take long for the Starship to enter the Geonosian atmosphere. The three had barely spoken a word to each other, too caught up in the tension of the situation.

The ship subtly landed, a mop of dust sweeping up around it as it made impact. Octavia switched off the engines and the ship became awfully isolating.

"I'm going to get ready to go." Padmé said, standing up and catching Octavia's eyes. She nodded over discretely in Anakin's direction, making Octavia wince.

She left the cockpit, and the two Padawans were once again left in a deafening silence. It was swallowing the girl, almost consuming her completely. Unable to take it anymore, she went to leave.

"I'm sorry." Her heart skipped a single beat as the boy spoke, her breath catching in her throat.

"For what?" She asked, slowly turning to look at him.

He almost smiled. "For being an asshole."

Her lips quirked up, but not fully into a grin. "You're not an asshole. A lot has happened in the past two days." As she spoke, she went to move past the boy who towered over her, having nothing more to say and wanting to escape the awkward air.

His hand ever so gently wrapped around hers to stop her. "Wait, Octavia."

His eyes, so icy, yet burned her skin as he looked over her body. She stood close to him, her small frame only reaching up to his chin. "What?"

"Please," he murmured, "be safe."

She smiled, a huff of air being released from her nose. "You know me, Skywalker."

He smirked slightly as she parted from him. Of course, he knew she could look after herself perfectly.

As they left the ship, the two droids followed closely behind them into the strange looking building in front of them. It was tinted an off-red colour, the walls not perfectly solid. Their weapons were wielded and ready for use, in case of any attack.

"It's empty." The Senator said, her eyes trailing around the corridor.

The flicker of an odd shaped object moved above Octavia, and she didn't hesitate to allow her lightsaber to light up. Geonosians littered the ceiling in their dozens, all opening their small wings towards the group.

Anakin lit up his lightsaber, but Octavia stopped him. "Wait!" She slowly moved down her arm before sheathing her lightsaber. "We're outnumbered."


OCTAVIA had been forced to stay outside as Padmé was taken into a room with the notorious Count Dooku to discuss allegiance. Only one of the two Jedi were allowed to stand guard with the Senator for protection, and Anakin had nodded to Octavia, grabbing her hand for reassurance before he entered.

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