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''I've got a renegade heart and it's screaming his name''


THE three Jedi entered the club with a lot of caution lingering through them. They looked around, Octavia's fingers trailing over her lightsaber. Various different beings looked at them back, some human, but a majority were not. The vibrant music buzzed through the female Jedi's ears, as the dim light in the room sent an odd feeling through her body.

"You two do a lap of the place, if you find him, don't hesitate." Obi-Wan instructed.

"I think he is a she." Anakin told the others, wary of his surroundings as his eyes skimmed the faces in the club, "and I think she is a changeling."

"In that case, be extra careful." The Jedi Master warned, his eyes switching between the two Padawan's as they nodded solemnly.

"Where are you going, Master?" Anakin asked, his confusion raising.

Obi-Wan smirked. "To get a drink."

Octavia chuckled at his comment, before he parted from the two, wandering off like a casual man out in the city. The two Padawan's, however, were both feeling very out of place. But, they had to stick to the mission. Their uncomfortable feelings could not get in the way of the risk of Padmé's life.

They walked in sync casually, making their way past various different humanoids and creatures, all giving them knowing and suspicious looks. Octavia was beginning to feel even more uncomfortable than she already did, not liking to be under the stare of these characters that she didn't not know. Anakin noticed her state, and moved closer to her, their shoulders gently brushing one another as he gave glares out to the beings that stared at her.

"You know, you really did scare me. When you jumped over the side of the speeder." Octavia wanted to make small talk, to not seem too suspicious if the assassin was indeed watching them. 

Anakin stifled a small chuckle, a smirk uplifting his lips. "Do you forget that I am in fact a Jedi? You can't surely have thought that I would have a plummeted to my death, Octavia." His voice was low, his eyes repeatedly glancing over her as he did so to his surroundings.

Octavia realised that her paranoid feelings at the time were actually unnecessary, and she too released a small chuckle. "It still worried me." She mumbled, looking down.

"Well it's nice to know that my wellbeing is well thought of by you." He smiled, just as Octavia released a short chuckle.

They both shrunk into silence. The tension of the situation was filling up the air, as if in a battle with oxygen. The room was heated, with the mass of people and the small space, but the unsettling feeling of the unknown making it all the more uneasy. Seconds later, however, there was a flash of a lightsaber and the two spun around like lightening, spotting Obi-Wan and the figure of the accused assassin hunched over, as he supported her to her feet.

"Easy," Anakin said, gesturing around. "Jedi business. Go back to your drinks." He turned to Octavia, who gave him a small nod before taking off to find the Jedi Master and the attempted murderer. They found the two by the bar, walking towards the exit of the busy club. With uneasiness, Octavia and Anakin followed behind them.

The cooler air nipped at the girl's exposed skin, however she didn't know if the chills that slithered over her body was because of the air or due to the tension. The trio looked at one-another as the female assassin huffed in pain, her face wincing due to the slash that Obi-Wan struck her with.

"Do you know who it's was that you were trying to kill?" Obi-Wan asked, keeping his distance just in case of any kind of unexpected attack.

"It was the Senator from Naboo." She mumbled, her lips barely moving as she looked up at the Jedi Master with a devious glint in her eyes.

"Who hired you?" Octavia spoke up, and the assassin's eyes trailed over to her. Octavia didn't flinch as her stare stabbed her own.

"It was just a job." She muttered again, wincing slightly as she moved.

"Who hired you? Tell us." Anakin commanded, leaning closer to the injured Changeling in a threatening manner. After a momental pause, his voice rose a tone. "Tell us now!"

"It was a Bounty Hunter called-" Her speech was interrupted as the sound of a dart cut through the air like a blade and struck her in her neck in the blink of an eye.

The trio turned around just in time to see a metal figure set off into their with some sort of jet pack, their identity still unknown. The Changeling began to merge back into their original form, muttering something in their language as Octavia released a huff from her chest. She looked over to Anakin, who met her eyes at the same moment with a dark yet confused look riddled upon his features.

She looked at the dart that Obi-Wan removed from the Changeling. "A toxic dart?" She asked, confused.

"Yes. A rare one at that. I'll take this for studying. Maybe we can find some sort of trace to the bounty hunter." Obi-Wan explained.

Throughout the entire investigation, she had wondered why someone was so desperate to end the life of Padmé Amidala. Yes, she was a powerful Senator, but the beautiful young woman was anything but evil. She wanted what was best for her people and the Galaxy. Octavia admired her strength and her story, the more she knew about her life, the more she wanted to protect her. And she knew that she would do just that, whatever it took.

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