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"if you do not pull
the weeds in the garden
the flowers will
never grow"


FOUR huge posts stood proudly in the centre of the arena that would be the conductor of Octavia's fate. The crowds of Geonosians continued to roar as the two Padawans, followed by the Senator, were forced off of their carts.

Obi-Wan was chained up to a post just to the right of Octavia. He looked at the two, before scowling at Anakin.

''I was beginning to wonder if you had gotten my message.''

''I retransmitted the message just as you requested, Master.'' Anakin seemed almost too afraid of the Jedi Master as he was being chained to the huge post. ''Then we decided to come and rescue you.''

Obi-Wan rolled his eyes as he looked up at his arms, that had been raised above his head. ''Good job.''

Octavia could've laughed, if the situation had been less horrifying. She grumbled as the Geonosian guard lifted her arms and chained them above her head. Her hair was beginning to fall out of the long braid that she had done earlier, strands of brown covering her eyes as she blew them away. Dirt from the air was smothered on her skin, it's gritting feeling causing the girl more added discomfort.

Another roar of cheers was emitted from the crowds as Poggle the Lesser appeared on a high balcony, accompanied with Nute Gunray and of course, Count Dooku.

''Let the executions begin!'' He called out, dramatically raising his arms.

''I have a bad feeling about this.'' Anakin muttered, mostly to himself, looking out ahead to the gates in front of them.

''Join the club.'' Octavia replied. He huffed out a laugh at her response, just as the great gates began to creek open. The two Padawans were quick to look away from each other, awaiting to find their fate.

In front of them, four monsters were lead out of the gates by Geonosians. In front of Padmé, a ferocious Nexu hissed away at the guards, before setting its eyes on his prey. Octavia looked over to the Senator, to see that she had managed to begin climbing up the post, using some sort of grip to unlock her chains.

''Easy for some.'' She muttered, before settling her eyes on the gate in front of her.

She almost had to double glance, before groaning loudly at the beast in front of her. The orange serpent-like creature growled at the guards, its long, spiked tail moving somewhat gently.

''A damn Zillo Beast? I thought they were extinct!'' The girl shouted, her odds notably decreasing.

''Apparently not.'' Anakin spoke beside her, his eyes focusing on the Reek that was huffing in front of him.

The Zillo Beast had heavy plated armour, making Octavia's plan to fend it off more difficult than she had hoped. With no weapon, she had to rely on the metal chain and her gut instinct. The creature had began to eye her up, it's third arm protruding from its back was creeping around the side, as if to grab her.

Panicked, she wrapped her arm around the chain and tried to hoist herself up. She jumped, and managed to wrap her legs partially around the post. Her anxiety riled up within her as she realized that her back was to the Beast, its roars picking up at her sudden movement as it began to charge at her.

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