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"the atoms in her body are the same stars she sees in the night sky"


TIME passed, and Anakin, Octavia and Padmé had arrived at the villa in the Lake Country of Naboo. Octavia was in awe of how beautiful the scenery was. The flowers that decorated the vines and the pots that surrounded the house bloomed in a variety of pinks, blues, reds and purples, all battling to catch the eye of the new guests as they swayed carelessly in the fond breeze. The water that occupied the vast lake glittered like a thousand stars against the sunlight that beamed down on Naboo. In the distance, against the hills and mountains that stood guard and watched over this beautiful scene, stood a huge waterfall which fell at such a pace it took Octavia's breath away. She could almost feel the spray of the water caress her skin as it greeted her with such an obvious liking. There was no other place that she wanted to be in that very moment.

''I could certainly get used to seeing this everyday," She murmured to nobody in particular. Her icy irises trailed around the view, her lips parted slightly as she continued to take it all in. Beside her, Padmé chuckled slightly as she took in the appearance of the young female Padawan.

''It's the reason why I always love coming here,'' she told the girl, ''the scenery never seems to grow old.''

''I can definitely see why.'' Anakin spoke up this time, causing Octavia's gaze to move from the enchanting waterfall to the boy that stood a head taller than her, walking along beside her. Noticing Padmé's gaze upon her as she unconsciously stared at Anakin, she quickly diverted her eyes to the small flowerpot with daisies overflowing the sides, her cheeks flushing a shade of crimson.

''Over the next few days I'm going to be discussing matters of the Senate with some trusted advisors that are situated on Naboo who will be coming here. This will be a private matter, so I'll be leaving you both to use the villa and the area however you both want to. I'll still be here, and I'll be under the necessary protections in the meetings that needs be.'' The Senator spoke with authority, with the knowledge to Octavia that she was born to become a leader.

''Are you sure you'll be safe, Senator? After all, we were-'' Padmé cut off Anakin's voice as she finished his sentence.

''-instructed to protect me. Yes, I know. This place is my home, and it is too secluded to put me under threat anyway. I'll be perfectly fine. Now whilst we're here, enjoy yourselves. That's an order.''


THE next day, Octavia woke to the gentle sound of the birds tweeting in the branches that drooped near her bedroom window. The early morning light seeped through any crack or crevice found in the brick walls that enclosed her chambers, basking the room in a soft, golden hue. Stretching her arms, she rose from the soft and inviting lilac sheets on her bed and began to change into her Padawan uniform.

Exiting the room swiftly, she walked down into the dining room with a small bounce in her step, happiness bubbling through her veins. She loved the fact that she was away from the Jedi Temple for a while, finally able to have a break from all the training and work she had to do in order to fulfil her dream.

Anakin and the Senator were already seated around the table, various fruits and other foods scattered about, begging to be eaten. Octavia eagerly sat in the chair opposite Anakin, a bright smile occupying her face.

"Good morning." She said to the two, who looked at each other with confusion, yet a glimmer of a smile at girl's bubbly attitude.

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