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"and the stars blinked as
they watched her carefully,
jealous of the way she shone"


SILENCE echoed through the cave-like hangar where Count Dooku stood. His presence was accompanied by a Droid, however he knew that it wasn't the only being that occupied his surroundings.

The three Jedi were quick to catch up with him, following him in through the hangar doors. The Droid stood, aiming its fun at them, before Dooku raised his arm.

"That won't be necessary, Captain. Stand down and leave them to me." He spoke with authority. He knew exactly what he was doing, and unfortunately for her, Octavia did not.

Obi-Wan looked at the two Padawans. "We'll move in together. Octavia, you slowly on the-"

Octavia could feel the anger bubbling up in the boy she had learned to love. He interrupted Obi-Wan, ignoring the instruction completely. "I'm taking him now!"

"No, Anakin, don't!" Octavia shouted, but he was already charging towards the Sith Lord. He released a battle cry, his lightsaber raised and ready to attack.

Dooku, however, smiled faintly at the boy's foolishness and raised his arm, electric blue volts emitting from his fingertips and hitting Anakin in an instant. He was brought up from the ground and thrown to a wall, his back hitting it with such a force that Octavia thought the worst. He slumped to the ground, almost completely unconscious. She gasped, her body screaming at her to go to him, but her mind telling her to do her duties.

"Kenobi, isn't it?" Dooku snickered, eyeing up Obi-Wan like he was prey. "As you can see, my Jedi powers are far beyond yours." He chuckled, his eyes meeting Octavia's. "And you. You're no Master at all. You're a Padawan. Just like Skywalker. Perhaps you're not as foolish as him."

She said nothing as Obi-Wan took the first swing at him. Their lightsabers clashed, and Octavia continued to circle them, her eyes occasionally flickering to Anakin who was still unmoving.

The two powerful Jedi are locked in battle. Their lightsabers emitting beams of light as they struck each other. Octavia was lost on what to do. She watched them both, her eyes full of vengeance.

She charged at Dooku, without a second thought, her blade held high for an attack. His mind was quick to catch on to her actions, and he sent Obi-Wan back, the crimson red of his lightsaber hitting hers, a flash of purple flowing against her skin as their blades held against each other.

"I feel your anger. It radiates off of you, young Padawan." He hissed, insanity glowing in his eyes as they pushed against each other, face to face.

"Stay out of my head." She spat, pushing harder against him. Dooku didn't expect this, and he staggered back. Octavia moved away from him as Obi-Wan went in for another attack.

Octavia had to catch her breath, her weapon was still ignited in her hand. She watched the two men continue to battle, however flinched when she saw Obi-Wan receive a slash to his shoulder. He yelled in pain, moving away quickly. This didn't stop Dooku, and Obi-Wan gained a jab to his thigh with the red weapon. The Jedi Master stumbled back and fell against the wall, his lightsaber sliding across the floor.

It was just the female Padawan and the Sith Lord.

Count Dooku turned to face her, smirking widely. "It seems your friends aren't wise enough to win against me." He was quick to attack her, however she was quicker. Her crystal blue lightsaber slammed against his, and he was forced away. "Maybe you won't underestimate me."

"That's where you're incorrect, Dooku." Octavia almost laughed. "Perhaps it is you who shouldn't underestimate me."

Swinging her lightsaber, she attacked him with a cry and they were once again held battle. Their weapons clashed, sparks of electricity flying as they both pushed one another back. Dooku hit her with a force and she stumbled, releasing a ragged breath as she moved back.

"You're right. Your abilities are further than I expected, Padawan." He swung for her again, and, like a never ending cycle, she blocked it. "You have been trained well."

Amidst the action, Anakin had stirred, his blurred eyes focusing the the two lightsabers making purple. His eyes first met Octavia, who's body was in a notably losing stance. He could hear her cries, yet the boy couldn't move.

Octavia felt herself losing. Dooku was too powerful, and she was simply a Padawan. Her movements were becoming sloppy, his becoming more powerful.

They continued their battle her lightsaber clashed with his, repetitively, but she was exhausting. Dooku took advantage of this, and, in a split second, his blade had sliced up her arm, opening it in a long cut from her forearm straight up to her shoulder blade. She screamed in agony, the pain making her blue eyes water. Without hesitation, he lifted her up into the air with the force and launched her against the wall.

Her back cracked against the brick and she fell, her lightsaber sheathed, slipping through her fingers.

"Stupid girl." Was all her ears picked up, before the blood loss made her world turn into darkness.

[hi guys!! i'm so sorry that I haven't updated in so long, I've been extremely busy with work and studying!

3K reads?? that's insane!! thank you all so much for reading and voting on rebels, it means so much! i'm going to try my hardest to update as often as I can, I have such great plans for this book and I don't want to let them go to waste.

thank you again!!

ev x]

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