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"almost nobody gets out of love alive

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"almost nobody gets out of love alive."


"DID you find General Kenobi and Master Monoré?"

"No one could've survived that fall."

Octavia and Obi-Wan listened quietly to the conversation between two Clone Troopers as they kept their bodies pressed to the wall. Once they had left, the two Jedi hastily made their way to the platform that General Grievous had once occupied, after luckily spotting a two-seater starfighter.

Taking off in silence, Octavia could barely think straight. Her thoughts had been completely consumed by the probable death of her Master and the worry for her husband. Was he safe? Was he alive? He hadn't contacted them once, and that was what brought more fear into the young woman's thoughts.

"Emergency Code Nine Thirteen ... I have no contact on any frequency. Are there any Jedi out there?" Obi-Wan spoke into his comlink, yet Octavia stayed silent. A tear slipped from her eye unnoticed and she quickly wiped it away.

The crackled sounds of Bail Organa's voice was heard, causing Octavia to snap her eyes over to the hologram that was slowly appearing.

"Master Kenobi?" He spoke.

"Senator Organa! My Clone Troopers turned on us, we need your help."

"Master Monoré is alive?" The Senator asked, relief in his voice.

"I'm here, Senator." Octavia replied with a small smile.

He heaved a sigh of relief. "We have just rescued Master Yoda, it appears this ambush has happened everywhere. We're sending you our coordinates." And with that, he disappeared from the dashboard.

Everywhere? Octavia thought. She slumped back into her chair, feeling sick at the thought of Anakin being in pain or even worse, dead. It wasn't even worth thinking about, yet, she had hope that he was alive. She would've known if something had happened to him.

She sat in complete silence as Obi-Wan made his way to the coordinates the senator had sent. She felt numb, yet so full of fear at the same time. Obi-Wan didn't know what to say to her. He could sense her fear, yet he couldn't pinpoint it to just being because of Aayla's death. There was something more. Not wanting to pressure her or make the young woman feel worse, he decided not to question it.

They soon arrived at a Starcruiser, exiting their transport and making their way to where the Senator and Master Yoda waited for them.

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