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"let my lips paint for youall the pictures that my clumsy heart cannot"

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"let my lips paint for you
all the pictures
that my clumsy heart cannot"


AS the shuttle descended onto the ground, the group was greeted by a crowd of both Senators and Jedi. As the door opened, Anakin, Octavia and Palpatine all stepped out.

The boy turned to his former Master with furrowed eyebrows. "Aren't you coming, Master?"

Obi-Wan chuckled. "Oh, no I'm not brave enough for politics. I have to report to the Council. Besides, it was you two who did most of the work. Not me."

"Hold on. This whole operation was your idea. You planned it. You have to be the one to take the bows this time." Anakin protested, and Octavia nodded her head in agreement.

"Sorry, old friend. Let's not forget that you both rescued me from the Buzz Droids. And you killed Count Dooku and rescued the Chancellor with me unconscious on your back." Obi-Wan smiled, and Octavia felt pride well up within her as she looked at the face of her husband.

"All because of your training."

"Anakin, lets be fair. Today you're the heroes and you deserve your glorious day with the Politicians." Obi-Wan smirked.

"Alright, but you owe me. And not for saving your skin for the tenth time."

"Ninth time." He corrected, "that business on Cato Nemoidia doesn't count." Octavia giggled at his response. "I'll see you both at the briefing."

They nodded to him, turning away and beginning to walk towards the group. Octavia was quick to spot her old Master, the female Twi'lek standing out from the crowd with a bold smile on her face. Octavia turned to Anakin, a gleam shining in her eyes and he nodded, granting her permission to leave him and greet her. Octavia silently thanked him, running over to Aayla and embracing her tightly.

"Octavia, I'm so proud of you." Aayla said, pulling away from her. "When we heard that the ship was going down, we all assumed the worst. But look at you. Not even a scratch!"

"I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you, Master." Octavia beamed, grateful for everything that Aayla had taught her.

"Something tells me that you would. You were born for this, Octavia. The Force didn't guide me to you on Takodana all those years ago for nothing." She paused, grinning at her old Padawan. "Now go on, Senator Amidala has been waiting for you for hours."

Basked in happiness, Octavia nodded at her former Master before joining the group of Senators, who continued to congratulate her. She soon spotted her close friend, and ran towards her. Padmé, adorned in a beautiful navy gown, enveloped her in a hug.

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you!" She exclaimed, checking the Jedi Knight for any kind of cuts or bruises. "There were so many rumours that you'd been killed, but I didn't believe them. And here you are! Oh I have so much to tell you." Padmé was more of a sister to Octavia than a friend. They'd come to know everything about each other in the three years that they'd been friends.

"I'm glad to see you too, Padmé. How's Max?" She smirked at the girl, who's cheeks had begun to warm up. They had split from the group, standing in the corridor. Max was a young representative, only a couple of years older than Padmé, who she had become very fond of.

"He's fine." She curtly responded, her eyes lighting up. "How's Anakin?"

Octavia giggled, nudging her friend who laughed in return. "He's good. Really good, actually." Padmé's eyes flickered to a figure approaching the two girls and she snickered.

"Speak of the Devil." She giggled, and Octavia spun around.

Anakin was approaching the two, a smirk gracing his almost angelic features. His hair was distinctly longer, and framed his face perfectly. Octavia never grew bored of staring at his effortless beauty.

"Hi, Anakin." The Senator spoke, embracing him in a friendly hug.

"Padmé." He greeted, nodding to her. "I trust things have been going well?"

"They have indeed. I'm so pleased you're both back safe." She grinned.

"Thank you." His gaze lingered on his wife's figure, and Padmé was quick to catch on.

"I'm going to go and speak with Bail. I'll see you both later." She looked to Octavia and winked, heading to the group of Senators that had descended down the corridor until their voices were mere echos.

The two were completely alone in the wide space of the Senate building.

"Anakin, we should probably-"

Octavia's words were cut off as her husband swiftly approached her and connected their lips, his hand cupping her cheek. She wound her fingers into his hair, smiling into his soft lips. Reluctantly, he pulled away, resting his forehead against hers.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that." He murmured, his voice like silk.

"The feeling is definitely mutual." She smirked, pressing another tender kiss against his lips. "Good job, today."

"And you. I wouldn't have gotten through it if you hadn't of been there." He murmured. Although the two were graced in each other's company, the thought of any lurking presence was all that irked in Octavia's mind.

"Oh, I think you would've," the girl spoke, ignoring her feeling, "I don't think your actions necessarily depend on me."

He stiffened. "That's where you're wrong, my love. Because they do." He paused, wrapping his arm tightly around her waist, his hand going to the crook of her neck. "They really, really do."

His words both gave her immense pleasure and terror in the depths of her heart.

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