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''you carry my fears as the heavens set fire''


LATER on that evening, the two Padawan's were joined by the Master as they all entered the Senator's apartment. Night had fallen on Coruscant, however the air was still busy as the man-made lights acted as stars, the skyscrapers watching over the rest of the city like bodyguards.

Obi-Wan checked a scanner that he had with him, in order to watch over the Senator as she slept. However, confusion clouded his vision as the only known footage that was seen was Artoo Detoo in it's shut down mode.

''What's going on?'' The Jedi Master asked, his eyebrows furrowing as he looked to his Padawan learner, who had now stood from his meditative position.

''She covered that camera.'' Octavia replied, standing up straight from the position that she was in against the wall. ''She didn't like us watching her.''

''What is she thinking?'' Obi-Wan muttered, alert washing over his features.

''In her defence, Master, I can understand why she covered them. She wants her privacy. I would be the same.'' The girl replied, shrugging her shoulders.

''And she programmed Artoo to warn us if there's an intruder.'' Anakin inputted, looking to the girl with a helpful look.

''It's not an intruder I'm worried about. There are many other ways to kill a Senator.'' Octavia could sense Obi-Wan's unease, however she knew what the plan was that Padmé had explained to her.

''I know, but we also want to catch this assassin, don't we Master?'' Octavia knew that she was only supposed to protect the Senator, but after a long conversation with her, the two women had come up with a plan. Padmé did not like waiting around, and she did not like the risks that it was putting people in. Octavia understood this, and she wanted to help.

Obi-Wan looked at the two in a knowing look. ''You're using her as bait?''

''It was her idea, and no harm will come to her.'' Octavia paused, ''I can sense everything that is happening in that room.''

''I'll take your word in it. Did you have any part in this?'' Obi-Wan turned to his apprentice, who raised his arms up in defence. Octavia smirked, before answering.

''Anakin is just as oblivious as you are, Master. We both thought that we should keep our plan quiet. The Senator didn't necessarily want either of us in trouble.'' Her smug look was still apparent, and the Jedi Master rolled his eyes.

He gestured between the two Padawan's, who looked at him with innocent gazes. ''You're both as bad as each other.''

They looked to each other with amusement in their eyes and a smirk wiped across their faces.


Hours passed, and the trio had not sensed any sort of disruption in the Senator's bedroom. They decided to take it in turns to sleep, as long as two were always alert. At this moment, the Jedi Master was peacefully sleeping on a couch, as the girl made her way towards Anakin who stood in silence, staring out of the window onto the Urban aura of Coruscant. His eyes were duller, and Octavia noticed a shade of purple seeping under them.

She walked to him, mimicking his position. ''You look tired.'' She murmured, cautious as to not wake up Obi-Wan.

He looked to her, his gaze focusing on her small frame for a moment, before looking out of the window again. ''I don't sleep well, anymore.''

''How come?''

''My Mother. I don't know why, but I keep dreaming of her. Now more than ever.'' His eyes casted down to his feet, his arms behind his back.

''Dreams pass in time.'' The girl reasoned, offering him a gentle smile. She felt genuine concern for her new friend. He seemed very different to Padawan's that she had encountered before. He was more distant, his emotions were still obvious. She had noticed that in him. Although, in a sense, she was not much different from him. At times, she would wake in the night after a memory of her parents, and grief would strike her like a thousand bolts of lightening. They were both hurting, and as much as Octavia tried to move on from the deaths of her beloved parents, she continued to find herself back at square one. The two shared a talent that Octavia understood after finding out about him. They both shared the talent of masking their pain when necessary, and Octavia admired him for being able to do that with her.

''But they seem too real,'' he murmured, ''like...she is suffering...or she is in some sort of pain.'' He stuttered, trying to comprehend his feelings. A sudden wave passed through Octavia's body, and she wanted to hug him. She wanted to tell him that his thoughts would steer away from those nightmares. She shook her head slightly, in an attempt to rid herself of that longing.

''You cannot let that imaginary pain hurt you, Anakin. If anything, Master Secura taught me that thoughts like that can betray you.'' He looked to her, his eyes reflecting the colour of the ocean. Not the lighter shade which is found nearer to the shore, but a deep blue colour, found when the bottoms of the ocean were miles beneath the surface. The two stared at one another for a couple of moments, before Octavia quickly turned away and looked to the ground.

At this awkward gesture from the girl, Anakin smirked a little and stifled a chuckle. ''It isn't a crime to actually look at me, you know.'' He said, changing the subject completely. Heat crept up onto Octavia's cheeks, her eyes widening slightly.

''I-I know.'' She stuttered, feeling extremely embarrassed by his comment. Her fingers once again crept up to her Padawan braid, fiddling with the ends of it.

''Well then look at me.'' He asked her.

She blinked, before slowly looking up to meet him eyes. Blue met blue, and the girl noticed that he was standing a lot closer to her than before. He looked down at her, his lips held up in a small smirk.

''Stop looking at me like that.'' She muttered, moving away from him.


''Because it makes me feel uncomfortable.'' She fired back, turning away from him completely.

''How does it?'' His questions were beginning to irritate her, yet she knew that she couldn't show her irritation because it would provoke him.

''Because it-'' Her sentence was cut off as she felt an unknown presence in the Senator's bedroom, alarmed, she pulled her lightsaber from her belt.

''I sense it too!'' Anakin exclaimed, ''Obi-Wan!''

The Jedi Master woke, completely alert, and the three ran to the room. Octavia shoved the door open, and immediately caught sight of the two centipede-like Kouhuns crawling towards Padmé. She pounced in front of the girl, slashing the two creatures in half in a beam of light. Obi-Wan, who had caught slight of the droid that inserted the two creatures throw the window, charged towards it and smashed through the glass, grabbing on to the droid as it fell slightly.

''Obi-Wan!'' Octavia shouted, panic surging through her veins. She looked to Padmé, who's features almost matched hers. ''Stay here! Don't go anywhere unless it is absolutely necessary!'' At that moment, she did not care of the Senator's authority. She cared of her safety only.

The two Padawan's charged out of the Senator's bedroom, Octavia leading the way outside to a line of parked speeders.

''That one!'' She shouted to Anakin, pointing to a yellow four-seater speeder. The two teenagers hopped into the front seats, not taking a moment to breath as Anakin fired up the speeder and they took off.

''I really hope you know what you're doing.'' Octavia shouted over the wind and the sound of various moving speeders.

''Trust me. I know what I'm doing!'' Octavia could almost hear the smugness in his voice. Rolling her eyes at his boisterous behaviour, she concentrated on finding Obi-Wan and the Droid that almost ended the life of Senator Amidala.

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