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"i ignored your aura but it grabbed me by the hand, like the moon pulled the tide and the tide pulled the sand"


AFTER their shared yet regretful moment behind the waterfall, Anakin and Octavia had barely spoken to each other. Octavia would do anything in her power to avoid him, not wanting to put herself in the same awkward situation by being face to face with him. Padmé had noticed this, and had asked Octavia numerous times what was wrong. "It's nothing," she would say, "don't worry about it."

But she would, of course. The Senator had seen the looks the two would give each other when they weren't looking. No matter how hard Octavia tried to deny it, she knew that she felt something for the boy from Tatooine, whatever that may be.

Octavia was ashamed more than anything. She was ashamed of the fact that she had done what she did, she was ashamed because of the reaction he had to turning him away and stopping him, and she was ashamed because she wished she didn't. She wanted to kiss him. She wanted to kiss him more than once, but how could she betray everything Master Secura taught her? How could she go against the Jedi Order? A storm was brewing within her, and she had no idea how to clear the skies.

Two days had passed, and dawn was just beginning to crack over the skies of Naboo when Octavia stirred. Her eyes fluttered open as she took in her surroundings. Rubbing her eyes, she lifted herself from the bed and grabbed her dark cloak to wrap around her shoulders. Even though Naboo was usually warm, she could often feel the cold even in the slightest.

Quietly, she left the room to take in the morning air on the balcony. Her hair was half up in a plait, however it was lose and messy due to her tossing and turning. It stuck up in odd places as she tried to flatten it down.

She walked out onto the patio, stopping and catching her breath when she saw Anakin's back facing her as the rising sun made him glow. Scanning his face, she saw he was meditating and turned to leave him.

"Don't go." He murmured, his voice so gentle against the morning breeze.

"I, uh, didn't want to disturb you." Octavia muttered, feeling the heat rushing up to her cheeks as he opened his eyes.

"You know your presence soothes me." He told her fully turning to face the smaller girl but still keeping his distance. She could sense the anxiety and sadness around him, and she almost knew straight away what the cause of it was.

"Did you dream of your mother again last night?" She asked, the blue in her eyes contrasting his.

He hesitated to answer her, looking down to the ground before nodding slightly. "I saw her. I saw her as clearly as I see you now. She's suffering, Octavia. She's in pain..." He's voice began to raise, "they're killing her."

She saw the anger in him as she stepped towards him and placed a gentle hand on his arm before he continued, " I know I'm disobeying my mandate to protect the Senator. I know I will be punished and possibly thrown out of the Jedi Order, but I must go. I have to help her. I'm sorry, Octavia. I don't have a choice."

"Anakin, listen to me. I'll talk to Padmé and we'll go together. If she says yes, we'll still be protecting her and we won't be disobeying our mandate. I know it's what you need to do, and I'll help you. You know I will." She told him with a reassuring nod.

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