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''I know if I'm haunting you, you must be haunting me''


IN the lines of Speeder traffic, Octavia Monoré and Anakin Skywalker charged forwards in search of the Jedi Master. Octavia's eyes frantically scanned over the oncoming traffic, in hopes of spotting Obi-Wan in the midst of all the chaos.

''Up there!'' She shouts, pointing up as she spotted Obi-Wan being shot at by an unknown figure. The Droid he was holding on to gained a direct hit by the beam of light that escaped from the attacker's rifle, and Obi-Wan began to fall.

''Anakin, move up and over to the left, he's falling.'' Octavia ordered, her eyes never leaving Obi-Wan's figure.

''I know I know, I've got him.'' He replied, more to himself. he focused on the controls of the speeder and moved towards his Master.

Luckily, he grabbed the back end of the speeder, hauling himself up into one of the back seats, breathing a sigh of relief.

''I almost lost you in the traffic!'' Anakin told him, trying to spot the direction of the assassin.

''And if it wasn't for me, you'd be lost.'' Octavia remarked, looking over at Anakin for some sort of appreciation. He simply chuckled, before Obi-Wan spoke.

''What took you both so long?''

''Oh, you know, Master, Octavia couldn't find a speeder she liked. She had to find the right seating arrangements, and of course she needed to find a good colour...'' He smirked, his eyes not leaving the traffic.

''Very funny,'' Octavia muttered sarcastically, rolling her eyes. She looked around, and spotted the assassin attempting to shoot at the speeder. Anakin dodged this, and went for them in a hot pursuit.

''If you'd spend as much time working on your saber skills as you do with your wit, young Padawan, you would rival Master Yoda as swordsman.'' Obi-Wan remarked, making Octavia smirk.

Anakin dodged between the oncoming traffic as they tried to chase down the green speeder, his movement being far too close to their deaths.

''Are you trying to kill us?!'' Octavia shouted, holding on to the sides of the speeder in sheer anxiety.

''My apologies, Darling. But if we're going to catch this guy, we need all the speed we can get.'' Anakin answered, making Octavia roll her eyes yet again at the word 'darling'.

The green speeder headed directly downwards, as Anakin followed them swiftly. Obi-Wan, being obviously aware of Anakin's obnoxious driving, held on to the speeder in order to not fall. A huge train-like vehicle was moving slowly and directly in their path, making Octavia's heart rise up into her throat as Anakin continued to sear towards it at great speed.

''Pull up, Anakin.'' Obi-Wan commanded, but Anakin ignored his comment as he continued to head towards it. He released a laugh as he teased the Jedi Master, as the girl's eyes widened. ''Pull up!'' Obi-Wan shouted again, and Anakin did so at the very last second, earning a yelp of fear to escape from all of them.

As they levelled out again, Obi-Wan spoke. ''You know I don't like it when you do that.''

''Sorry, Master. I forgot you don't like flying.'' Anakin was still being smug, and Octavia was understanding Obi-Wan's frustration with his Padawan.

''I don't mind flying,'' he responded, a speeder close to veering into them, ''but what you're doing is suicide!''

They headed through a construction site, practically on the tail of the enemy speeder. Octavia was trying to find everything in her to not close her eyes. Flames whipped past them, and she could almost feel the heat.

Suddenly, the assassin ignited the electric fences that were in front of them as the green speeder past through unharmed, beaming purple bolts of electricity linking together.

''Anakin, don't-'' Octavia was cut off by shocks of electricity surging through her body, making her skin burn like a wildfire.

''That was good.'' Obi-Wan muttered as they flew away from the fence. Octavia was still in shock, her body momentarily paralysed, as if a thousand tiny pinpricks were piercing her body all over.

The chase continued, and Octavia noticed the bright green speeder turn left into a tunnel. However, to her confusion, Anakin continued straight on.

''Where are you going? They went that way!'' She gestured towards the tunnel.

''Octavia if we keep this chase up any longer that creep is gonna end up deep fried. And personally, I'd like to find out who he is an who he's working for.'' He responded. ''This is a short cut. I think.''

''You think?'' Octavia scoffed, folding her arms.

He ignored her sarcastic comment and swerved around a corner, trying to find the assassin. Octavia knew he had no idea where he was going, but he wouldn't admit it. The speeder continued to surge forward, until Anakin pulled over in defeat.

''Well you've lost him.'' His Master muttered, looking over to him with a scowl on his face.

''I'm deeply sorry, Master.'' Anakin looked to him, and Octavia didn't notice a single hint of genuine disappointment on his face.

''That was some short cut, Anakin. He went completely the other way.'' Obi-Wan folded his arms, irritation sweeping over his face.

''Why couldn't you have just-'' Octavia was cut off as Anakin leaned towards the edge of the speeder.

''If you'll excuse me.'' He said, before leaping over the side.

''Anakin!'' She cried, terror wiping over her face as she watched him fall.

''I hate it when he does that.'' Obi-Wan muttered as he clambered over into the driving seat.

''You mean he's done this before?'' Octavia asked, genuine shock evading her even though at this point, she wouldn't put it past him.

''On many occasions. You'd be surprised.'' He answered, before pulling away in hope of finding his Apprentice.

Octavia huffed, searching through the masses of speeders in hopes of finding Anakin. Obi-Wan headed downwards, and soon spotted the green speeder, with Anakin on the back of it.

''He's mad.'' Octavia muttered to herself.

''Oh, you have no idea.'' The Jedi Master replied. Suddenly, Octavia spotted a silver object heading right towards them. Discovering that it was Anakin's lightsaber, she grabbed it swiftly and held it in her lap.

''Good catch.'' Obi-Wan said.

''Thanks. He's probably going to need it at some point.'' Obi-Wan chuckled at her comment as the two centred their focus on the speeder.

After a couple more moments, the female Padawan noticed that one of the speeders engines had in fact caught fire, as was slowing being steered down onto the ground. Obi-Wan saw this, and followed the speeder with caution.

As the green speeder crashed, Octavia spotted Anakin on the ground, panic weaving its way into her at the thought of him being hurt. Obi-Wan landed the speeder carefully, just as Octavia jumped out and headed towards the Padawan.

''Anakin!'' She shouted, as he began running after the criminal. Her breaths were ragged, with a mixture of anxiety and adrenaline in her bloodstream. Anakin stopped in his footsteps as he turned to her, sweat glistening on his forehead.

''She went into the club.'' He told the other two, as Obi-Wan approached them both.

''Patience. Use the Force.'' He told his Apprentice.

Octavia, still gripping onto Anakin's lightsaber, held it up to him.

''I think you're gonna need this. For future occasions.'' She smirked, as he took it out of her hands.

''Thanks. I owe you one.'' He responded.

''You owe me multiple.'' The brunette fired back, earning a laugh to escape past the young boy's lips.

[i'm so sorry this chapter sucks but hey i'm sleep deprived and i'm trying]

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