Chapter 2~ She is irresistible

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Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up.

*Neil Gaiman*

After getting free from my meeting,I immediately took out my cell and dialed a number.

' Make sure you do what I asked you to! This is your today's assignment.I want her details by hook or by crook '

It was more than enough.How can she be taking over my systems and making me to go on an impossible side of me.This wasn't me.I'm sure I'm not falling for her.

I had planned what I had to do.When Sameer would provide me with all her minor details,I would use it against her.This is the only way to get rid of her.

!!‏ Azfar,You're just Pathetic

This was my inner voice beating upon my soul,because to be frank I really was not thinking straight.

Getting back to home,I took my steps towards my room because I did not wanted to face my mother now at all.She is a mind reader and would read everything,even that which is not written on my face!

Locking up myself in the washroom,I splashed water on my face more than several times.I hated this me.I can't fall for anyone.The last time when I did ... It had...

No more nightmare in real,Azfar! You should change your thinking strategies.

This was again the inner me.

To bring me out of my space zone, my cell phone rang and the name of the caller brought an evil smile on my face.

" She is under our caption Sir,You don't need worrying. We'll make sure her life begins the journey of hell from today only "

' Dare! Don't cross your limits Sameer! She just needs some serious blows on her head,so you just leave from there and text me the location. I can't risk the threat of getting my phone calls taped '

" Alright Sir "

After receiving the msg from Sameer,I speedily drove off my car to where she was tied up.

Reaching there,I felt my breathe getting suffocate. A short circuit had occurred there abruptly,and I could hear someone's choking.It was her.

I couldn't control my turmoil, probably more over myself than on Sameer,because I was the one who had risked her life when she was not even the culprit.But... But I couldn't let her just sweep away me from "Azfar Rehaan" to a guy very random.

Taking quick steps,I tripped over a barrel and had my suit sketched with the dirt.This was enough to boil up my anger,but to my surprise I did not utter any curses under my breath.Not even a single droplet of perspiration on my forehead!

There she was lying pale,and covered with dust on her abaya and the hijab she had wrapped around her head was almost giving up on her trials to breathing.Her upper body was heaving up and down with a rough pace.The sight feared me back down to my spine that I was about to be a murderer!

I took her head on my lap,and started unwrapping her Hijab not with the intention to glance at her beauty but ' to help her ' breathe.

She was muttering something, completely inaudible due to her slow pitch.I could feel her jasmine scent inhaling inside every neuronal cell of mine.It was getting difficult to control myself from not kissing her.The last time,I was this close to her was when I locked her inside my car and then I had no idea that she would be leaving such an imprint on my heart that I would have an urge to meet her again... Somehow...

Revealing her locks of deep brown hair on her face,I touched her skin for the first time in an attempt to move those stuff away from what deserves to be touched by me only.

'God! What's happening to me... I want to push away this feeling,but it's already playing bad to drag me more and more... Into her love '

She was not in her senses anymore. She had fainted due to the smoke that heavily filled the air inside this garage.

I picked her up in bridal style and was continually involved into staring her.

' she is simply so irresistible '

I mentally slapped the inner me again,because honestly this wasn't me.I don't understand what had happened to me after our coincidental encounter,whatever be the consequences my mother would definitely feel on seventh sky after knowing all this in case I spitted out to her.

I took her inside my car and placed her carefully on the backseat.I just wanted her to be alright right now.

Driving away from that place,I took her to my home-which I thought would be the most safest and sound place,not to be involved in any kind of interaction with anyone. I had called up a nurse,from The North way hospital and was ready to pay for her expenses even if it meant to spending a major amount from my debit card... To see her opening her eyes was the only thing I wanted.

Sameer had just brought her,almost like kidnapping her to that garage and he was a big fool that he didn't even know her name!! Damn! I wanted to ask her, who she was,where did she belonged, and ... Tell her... That she had casted a spell sort of on my heart.

The nurse told me that she seemed to have an extreme asthma,and that was the reason she couldn't bare the smoked area there and fainted.Thankfully, she had the pump with her beforehand and so after a while or so her breathing started gaining to normal.

I asked the nurse to leave and that I would call her again if required,not forgetting to thank her as my very courteous persona demanded me to do that as well.

After gaining back her senses,she slowly opened her eyes adjusting to the lights of my room and then glancing at me.Her eyes grew wide with fear and she began trembling. I walked towards her,and sat myself at the edge of the bed and took her soft hands in mine.

" You don't have to worry Bellarina,You will just be all fine.Relax.You're here becoz I wanted you to.I want to know about you.Everything. "

She looked into my eyes with greatest of hatred and disgust,I could sense and replied looking away from me... Staring somewhere in the sky,

" I don't want me! Why are you doing this to me? I said sorry for the last time,when I had bumped into you and that...wasn't even my mistake... Pls,don't hurt me. Ps,I beg you "

And then she paused for some seconds, and then continued

" Whoever you're, atleast you can't be a human. You're a Beast! You tried to touch me,when I was not in my senses,you took off my abaya and... And God knows... "

Oh My!! She was really thinking wrong of me,and was crying all the women tears for no use at all.I couldn't even think of doing anything dishonest to her, specially when I had started to admire her secretly. But that,she knew not.

" So do not weaken and do not grieve, and you will be superior if you are [true] believers. "
AL-QURAN (3:139)

Salam/Hey my buddies! How're you all? And did you like the story uptill now?

What do you think about Rehaan? Is he already a heartthrob for you,umm I mean the women readers ;) or not? You hate him like this girl does?

Well,Azfar... I think you should not act around like a boss everywhere. ._. Like seriously,pls!

What do you say?

See y'all soon,keep waiting ;p

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