Chapter 8~ She'll be my death angel

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  "There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment." 

* Sarah Dessen- The Truth About Forever *

" What do you mean by ' she didn't come home ' ? You let her out and then when she didn't return back by evening, didn't even care to know about her wellbeing state? "

This was Arham, Zahra's father. He came home early than usual, as gut feelings were approaching him since few days that something is going wrong with his lovely daughter and he was being totally ignorant to her situation. How could he? He was her father, who made her ride on his back when she was 6 and took her to the carnival each season of festivals and bought her favourite stick candies and even disguised as Santa as she loved seeing gifts showered by the fat tummy man. That's what she used to call him.

Reviving memories, few tears rebelled out of his eyes and he shouted like never before on his second wife. He was realising the mistake which he had committed after his wife's death was unforgivable and unredeemable too. But he wanted to help his daughter out, he could draw out her miseries finally when he saw from the eyes of his heart, after so many years that her stepmother failed to be a mother even. All she worried was about new jewelries she had to collect and about her son whom she cherished like a diamond in the crown, Zahra was an old dust cloth for her.

Dialling back the number by which Zahra's whereabouts were told, he tapped his long shivering fingers on the cover of the phone, waiting impatiently for the call being answered.

After like several rings, a hoarse manly voice greeted his heavy old one.

' Assalam.O.Alaikum! Is Zahra Tabassum there with you? Where is she? Can I pls talk to my daughter? Is she alright? '

Listening to the dark calmness behind the line, he uttered a prayer on his lips for his daughter's safety.

" Wa Alaikum Assalam! Zahra is absolutely fine. She felt unconscious after being trapped in my company's lift. You don't need to worry, she is okay now. But the doctor fears that she has lost her memory due to a longer state of ischemia her mind has gone through. But pls don't worry, just give me your address I'll myself come to attend you along with your daughter. "

Holding on to the receiver, I thanked Allah that my daughter was safe. But I didn't like the idea of her being with some na mehram at this hour of night alone.

Though, I trusted her but I can't trust men. They are completely not deserving to be trusted. How can you trust someone who is an unknown to you while the ones known are at the first place to be deceiving and cunning?

' I am her father, hope you'll not harm my daughter in any way mister. '

I heard a sarcastic laugh at the other side, which gave me goosebumps, but now, I need to act pleasant in front of whoever he is. He has my daughter with him.

" Don't worry Sir, your daughter is in safe arms. Nothing and No one can cause danger to her. I guarantee you. I'll bring her home safely to you by tomorrow morning, as soon as the dawn spreads , till then try to manage your trust on me as you've no other option "

And that was brought up by the hanging of the call from other side.

How could I be so neglectful towards my own daughter? Only Allah knows, how much she might've gone through.


Her feminine body was slowly rising to be up and down as her breathes started to be normal. It was a hard time for me for not looking her wrongfully, She was my na mehram and nothing else.

But I can make her my mehram and have all due rights to look and ogle upon her if I make her mine.

I placed a soft kiss on the back of her hands and made a smiley with a small get well soon. I dirtied her hands with ink of a ball pen but this sin is worth forgiving, I'm sure she won't mind.

Giving a last look over her features, I switched of the lamp and whispering goodnight my love in her ear, I tucked the strand behind her hair which was trying to steal my right of kissing her cheeks idiotically.

I closed the door behind and sauntered towards my room with a wide victorious smile on my face.

The next day began with the delightful voice of someone's recitation of Surah Al Yaseen, and when I came out of my room and followed that voice was hers. What a melody to get tuned into!

Mistakenly, I disturbed her recital by the slight opening of the door as I was leaning on to it unaware that the door was open.

" Assalam.o.Alaikum Why did you leave me here alone the whole night? Are you mad at me that I roll on bed and make you fall down every time?? "

She smiled with her soft baby pink lips which made me drool my eyes and linger there for few seconds until my trance was broken by her act of throwing her arms around my neck.

" Staring at my lips Mr husband? Umm, I guess you're planning to have breakfast without even brushing your teeth? Did you look at yourself? How disheveled your sleepy state looks like? Hahahahaha. "

She will be my death angel, I guess.

Her Amnesia is doing wonders on me but that surely is not going fair with her, she has lost her memory but I'm sane. I'm not allowed to touch her until she comes in my Nikah. But how will I persuade her father to accept this?

" Mr. Farhan go and be a good boy first and then I promise to feed you my love "

She winked at me and that caught upon my heart. But she called me someone else's name. Farhan.

' Farhan? Who the hell is he? '

I spoke after a long silence my lips were pressed into a thin line and then searched her eyes for the answers. She smiled like an angel and laughed upon my question as if she was laughing on hearing some joke.

" Hmm, so you don't know Farhan? "

She came near me again and hold my chin up though she was shorter than me, and made me laugh at her innocence.

' No, who is he? '

I replied straightforward, I really wanted to know who was Farhan.

   Say, "Not equal are the evil and the good, although the abundance of evil might impress you." So fear Allah , O you of understanding, that you may be successful. 

( AL-QURAN 5:100)

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