Chapter 30~ A twist in time

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" I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. "

* Marilyn Monroe *

5 years later

The mirror displayed smudged lipstick,
Messy hair,
A loose gown revealing her exotic features to the eyes of the beholder.
Hands engulfing the delicate frame of her velvety waist, bare , the gown was slowly untied to let it fall.
Nuzzling his head to a deeper access of her collarbone, he caressed the area with his tongue and then places soft kisses, intends to bite but then gives up his desire only not to hurt his beloved.
Picking her up in a bridal style, he glues his eyes into her intoxicating ones, demanding him to shower his love for her tonight.The eyes holding a tincture of hope, shyness, mischief and an indefinite unmeasurable love.

The crescent star was shining brightly than ever, without blinking it's orbs focusing exclusively on the pulchritude of revival of two long lost lovers, who belonged only to themselves.


Ever since that day, our love grew more firmer and our enemies were forced to bend down on their knees seeking their humble apologies.The level of eeman had increased to an extent I never thought, my situations would raise it to.Together we were seeking Allah and together we had found Him.

All night, a man called “Allah”
Until his lips got bleeding.
Then the Devil said, “Hey! Mr Gullible!
How comes you’ve been calling all night
And never once heard Allah say, “Here, I am”?
You call out so earnestly and, in reply, what?
I’ll tell you what. Nothing!”

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