Chapter 25

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Holding her twins in her arms, the natural glow at her face had returned. She was smickering towards them who were now almost 11 months old. That meant, she could still feed them. But she wasn't doing so, as if hesitating or backing off from something for which she wanted to take my permission. She was indeed a sincere wife.

" You don't need to ask my permission Bellarina. Zidan and Abhan are your babies. They deserve you the most. Even more than me. "

I kissed her forehead warmly, giving a soulful smile at the kids as if they decoded the meaning behind. I wanted to provide them their share of fatherly love which that idiot lacked to give. I had brought her at the mansion, and had ordered the staff workers to immediately ensure that the partition of the house is done before he returns.

We shared a little moment of joy before the phone call made me excuse myself.

" Sir, He has been released from the jail on someone's bail. I couldn't find out the details of who did that but I fear he might get into your house any time soon. "

This news had fallen on me like a bomb, shattering my inner self into millions of pieces which was hard to gather.

It was true that I had maintained a subtle personality in front of media and every other public gatherings, but now , as it was about my own brother I couldn't find any bit of courage to stand up against him.

I wanted to protect, be a champion to my Bellarina, but I was failing miserably.

The house was still under renovation, I had ordered the partition to take place from the center of the house which meant there would be two main gates opening inside the mansion.The one which was in my side was from the garden area, meanwhile the backyard portion which led spiral stairs to the upper portion was going to be his. The stairs were still to be designed, and the fountain which stood in between the garden and the backyard, was to be demolished.

" Sameer pls go and ask farhaan to give me a day or two , until the work is completed. I can't risk my wife's health and her , err, our children to be like his captives. I want them to live the life they deserve. Peacefully. This is their heaven. "

I don't know why I felt relief mentioning my little worries to my old friend , it was as if we shared some natural bond that made me drive insane loving him.

Slipping the phone inside my trouser pockets, I found Zahra giggling at either of the two near the fountain.

" What're you doing outside Bellarina? "

She squealed in delight seeing me, and clapped her hands. She looked beautiful.

' See it's Zidan's first steps! And Abhan just called me Ma Ma. I feel on seventh sky! '

She was still eying both tinsy twins, but was speaking to me as well. She was holding the little finger of Zidan as he was managing to walk with and without her assistance, and keeping an eye on Abhan who sat on the marble bench with some of his toys. I wonder how they did so. I had seen mom ironing my shirts, and at the same time preparing me the omelet, and then carefully placing the shirt on the hanger and closing the stove, removing the toasted breads. Ahh,my head would spin around 180 ° if I were to do all this at the same time!

' Pa Pa '

" What? What did you just say? "

She smiled faintly hearing papa from Abhan's mouth, and then flushed back her tears.

" Say Mama. Ma Ma. "

' Pa Pa '

" No beta, say Ma Ma. Like this. Umm.. Maa . "

' Umm Pa '

" For God Sake! You don't have any Papa! I'm your mama! Just say mama! "

That was it. She lost her control and was about to break into tears, when I soon engulfed her in my arms and then gently picked Abhan up too.

" Why can't he have a papa, Bellarina? "

' Because I hate Farhaan. I don't want him anywhere near my kids. He left them in an orphanage to die. To grow as if they have no one. '

" If you allow me... "

I paused for a while to look at her for any reaction, but I guess she was too involved in her sadness, that she didn't figure out what I had to say.

' I can't. I hate him but I can't snatch his right away from him just like that. I'll be answerable to Allah for that. '

She was right though. Maybe I was too much drawn towards her and that was the reason why I so readily accepted her children to be mine as well.

' You can be a good father I know. '

She smiled feebly, wiping away some lone tears and then bent towards Abhan to pick him up.

' It's getting cold, let's go inside. '

I followed her inside the house, which was soon to be divided. Will I have to divide my love for her too?

" Zahra. What if he takes you away from me? "

She nodded at me silently , pointing towards them who were now both yawning and cooing inside her motherly warmth.

I was gawking at her plainly seeing her change their diapers, a moment of hesitation which swept away slowly on my insistence to feed, and then finally when both of them drifted in a peaceful slumber. She kept them on the bed and placed pillows on both side of the bed, so that they don't fall in sleep. Are babies worms? They wriggle and crawl here and there, and then eventually fall off the bed getting a bump on their head, their first victory sign. I remember mom pushing that painful red bump on my temple with her thumbs towards inside. Ouch that was painful. I shook my head away and mentally whispered some prayers and blew on them so that they might not hurt their heads.

' You love them, don't you? '

" It's like my childhood is played right in front of my eyes. I remeber, once when I fell off the bed I got a bump on my head. It was so painful. "

She tardily came towards me and then placed a feathery kiss over my cheeks, our kind of story was definitely going to be a different shot!

" I wish I could've been their father... But no worries I can still be one right? "
I winked at her upon which I earned a light smack on my chest and a not so deadly glare.

' I can't be a mother anymore Azfar. '

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