Chapter 28~ A tragedy

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" Patience is not the ability to wait- It is how we behave while we're waiting. "

* Joyce Meyer *

If dithering was an appropiate word to define my situation, still it'd defy the feelings and emotions I held within past 10 hrs. It was almost dark outside and I had no one except the perfect loneliness surrounding me and the deathly silence. Umm, no. I could hear the crows cawing and the grasshoppers irking sound. I dialled Aunty's number ( Azfar's mom ) but she wasn't responding too. I couldn't either step out of the house to find about them. It was a very difficult problem to face.

I remembered the verse in which Allah had asked His obedient servants to seek help in Salah and Patience, I recalled Azfar saying this back, I recalled this lesson my baba used to teach me to have patience no matter how crucial or severe the calamity falls. No problem created is greater than it's solution, and No problem can ever be greater than The Greatest of Lord.

Performing ablution and wearing my dupatta in the form of a hijab, I stood on the prayer mat facing the qiblah. Masjid Al Haram. The most sacred mosque in the world. Whichever place we stand, we face our form towards the Kabah and we know that He is worthy of worship.We know that we are bowing down to Him for tha satisfaction and gracing of our entity, not because he needs worshipping and servitude. He has many angels for that purpose.

Shaitan tried peeking his nose into my prayers to offence my dedication and concentration but I kept straight , focusing on every recital verse and grabbing the meaning behind what Allah commands.

Breaking my trance of concentration and focusing, I was interrupted by my cell ringing louder than ever. It was the last rakah I was standing in and so I soon said the salaam and picked up my phone. It was an unknown number, and a message was left too.

If you want your husband and babies safe, come out from wherever you're hiding because I have traced your sim and already know that you're inside the mansion.

Goosebumps covered my skin to give me some warmth, I was feeling dreadful. How did he know of this number? Azfar had broken the old sim and according to what I remember this was his spare number which he rarely used.

Should I reveal myself or not?

I was thinking of all the situations which can happen if I didn't agree to the anonymous person, least I wanted was harm for my hubby and my kids. I loved them both, more than my life.The same time,another thought crossed my mind that how can anyone find out my whereabout when this portion of the mansion though surely was submerged, but it was exclusively different, because of it's hidden location and also that the coverage signals went low here at the backside and innermost side of the mansion.

You're wasting time incessantly. Show some dignity, brace yourself up and reveal. Before I shoot your husband and chew the hearts of your babies.

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