•chapter one•

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     All you could remember was Daveed yelling at you and throwing away all your alcohol when you woke up the next morning. Your headache was the first thing you felt and it hurt. So bad. You began to cry when you became even more aware of your surroundings. You were on the floor in your Versace dress that reeked of liquor. What did you do last night?

    "Daveed," you sobbed, choking on your tears. Your pulse pounded in your ears.

    Daveed never came. Maybe you didn't call loud enough. But how could you when breathing felt like a bullet in the chest?

    "Daveed!" You winced in pain at the sound of your own voice but footsteps could be heard advancing down the hall rather quickly. The vibrations didn't help at all with your headache; they only teased your brain.

    "Baby, this has to stop."

    "I..I just..." Tears clouded your vision again and you struggled to keep them from falling.

    "Get up," Daveed commanded. He didn't sound angry, however.

    "I can't," you whined, finding it painful to roll over onto your back. You looked up at your boyfriend who didn't look very impressed.

    "(Y/N), I swear to God-"

    "Can you quit being a bitch and help me?" you snapped, shooting daggers at him.

    "Oh my god, chill," he muttered.

    "Chill?! What the hell even happened last night?"

    "You got drunk as fuck at that party, yelled at me when I tried to put you in bed, and then passed out on the floor. What else is new?"

    "You just left me here?"

    "You know what..." Daveed almost finished his sentence but sighed instead. "You're so lucky I love you." He helped you to your feet and carried you bridal style to your shared bedroom.

    "What does your schedule look like today?" he asked, crossing his arms.

    "I have a meeting at two. Jayce will probably drive."

    "I love that you still hang out with him even when you know I don't like him," Daveed said with a smirk.

    "Then I'll call Angel."

    "I don't like him either."

    "Then I'll walk to the meeting. Fine," you retorted, unzipping your dress.

    "You don't need to be walking or driving right now. I'll call someone to take you to your meeting."

    "Don't get jealous."

    "I never said I was jealous. I just don't like them."

    "There's nothing to be afraid of. Jayce is into Instagram models and we both know Angel doesn't like girls."

    "It doesn't matter. They make me uncomfortable," he said as he tended to the never ending notifications on his phone.

    "Why do you care so much?" you asked.

    "Because you're my girlfriend...?"

    "Don't you trust me?"

    "(Y/N), I trust you. I just don't trust them. Ever since Justin-"

    "Shut up."

    Daveed glanced at you from his phone then looked away. "Sorry."

    "I'm calling Jayce. End of discussion."

    "I don't even know why I try with you. You never listen."

    "You don't even trust me so we're even!" you called as he stormed out of the room.

    You kicked your legs over the side of the bed and found an outfit before slamming the bathroom door shut.

    Sometimes, you really just could not.

    After a soothing shower, your glam squad arrives and you're ready to start your day. Daveed insisted that you have a team of people to do your hair and makeup every day so you never looked terrible. You were never in to that type of thing but since your boyfriend is a rap icon, you sucked it up and sat in that chair for 45 minutes every day.

    Daveed handed you your phone and sat on the couch nearby. He admired how beautiful you looked when you weren't looking.

    Your phone is loaded with notifications when you open it and you're surprised when you notice that it's fully charged. It must've been Daveed.

   So he can charge my phone but he can't put me on the couch or something? you thought. What a guy.

    Knowing it'd piss Daveed off, you called Jayce and put him on speaker. He answered after two rings like the nice, caring guy he is.

    "Hey, (Y/N). What's up?"

    Daveed looked up at the sound of Jayce's voice.

    "Hey, I need a ride to our meeting. Can you come through?" You glanced at your boyfriend who went back to his phone, pretending to be unbothered.

    "Always. I"ll text you when I'm close by."

    "Thank you so much."

    Daveed stood up and walked out of the room without a single word. You couldn't help but laugh when the front door slammed shut. What a drama queen.

    Your glam squad finishes your hair and makeup just as you receive a text from Jayce. You tied up you high heel boots and packed your things in your purse but stopped when you saw your bejeweled flask at the bottom of your bag. You shook it and realized that it's empty.

    As much as you want to act like you don't need it, you know you do.

    You fill the flask up halfway with Hennessy and drop it back in your bag before running out the door of Daveed's million dollar mansion.

    "What's up, (Y/N)?" Jayce greeted as you settled into his BMW.

    "Tired as usual."

    "How's Daveed? Where's that album we've been waiting for?"

    "Honestly, I don't know."

    "You guys are good, right?" He always asked this question.

    You laughed sarcastically and gazed out the window, admiring the city of Los Angeles passing you by. "We're both alive, Jayce. That's all that matters."

    "Whoa, that sounds terrible. What happened?"

    "Nothing, don't worry about it."

    "If it's really serious, please get help. I'm always here. You know that."

    You broke your stare at the city to look at your friend. "Thank you."



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