•chapter nineteen•

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"Take your time, baby."


Who did he think he was? Did he really think he could show up out of the blue, call you baby and miraculously win you over somehow? He was wrong.

You wiped the mascara that stained your cheeks and fixed your face with the makeup you had in your Fendi clutch. No one was really looking at you anyways, even though it truly felt like it.

"I know you like chardonnay," Daveed said as you took the barstool next to him.

"You should know I like any alcohol period," you joked.

Daveed laughed to himself and lifted his own glass to his lips before speaking again. "You look incredible tonight."

"I would hope so."

"Your dress is stunning, (Y/N)," he said, admiring the beautiful red silk on your body. "I'm obsessed with it."

"Thanks," you replied. "I'm glad you like it."

"I love it. You look sexy."

"Please stop," you laughed, sipping on your wine.


"The compliments. They're empty."

"They are not," he argued. "You seriously look fine as hell and I'm mad I'm not taking you home with me tonight."

"You could just say you miss me, like a normal person instead of pretending."

"I'm not pretending. Why would I be pretending?"

"Because you think you can win me back with that bullshit."

"Who the fuck said I was trying to win you back?"

You opened your mouth but nothing came out. There was nothing you could say that would make this situation better so you chose to stay silent. Daveed sighed and ran his hand over his mass of curls.

"I'm sorry. That came out wrong," he said, clearing his voice. "I meant it as-"

"Who cares?" you interjected. "I don't even know why I'm talking to you."

"Me either. I know you hate me."

Your heart ached at his comment. That was definitely not the right word to describe your feelings toward Daveed.

"Who said I hated you?" you asked.

"No one. I could just tell by the way you walked out on me and..."

"Sure, but I don't hate you. I really couldn't hate you if I tried, Daveed."

His eyes lit up when you said his name. "That's nice to know." He flashed that awkward grin and excessively cleared his throat. He was nervous and he hadn't been nervous around you since your one month anniversary.

"How are your sales going? You know, with the album?" you inquired, eager to change the subject.

"Oh, they're great. The best I've seen, actually."

"I think this is your best work," you raved. "It's very raw and fresh. I love it."

"You listened to my album?" His eyes sparkled again.

"Of course I did."

"And you...liked it?"

"Yes, Daveed."

"...thanks," he finally replied. "Your input means a lot to me. I kinda made this album for you."

You blinked. "What?"

Faith {A Daveed Diggs x Reader} Where stories live. Discover now