•chapter seventeen•

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A/N: It's 11:36 where I am so forgive any errors! The song above reminded me of this story so listen and read and cry! Enjoy!


The car pulled into the circle driveway of Daveed's house and you immediately let yourself out as soon as the vehicle came to a stop. You really wanted to get the rest of your things and go back home.

    You let yourself in the house with the key you had yet to give back and headed straight upstairs. To your surprise, Daveed didn't stop you.

    "Are you seriously leaving me again?" he asked as you reached the bottom of the staircase with the remainder of your items.

    "Yes, but this time it's not a surprise."

    "I don't get why you're leaving. Why are you mad at me all of a sudden when you're the one who's been making a scene the past couple weeks?"

    "Excuse me?" you scoffed.

    "Getting drunk like you usually do in Palm Springs, the yacht party, whatever happened with you and Angel, and now this? Fighting Eden? Are you serious?"

    "I'm deadass."

    "(Y/N), this album release party was nothing but press and you ruined it by doing what you do best," he claimed. He was genuinely upset with you.

    "You mean getting drunk? I'm such a terrible girlfriend, sue me."

    "I didn't say that..."

    "Well, you implied it and you're one to talk."

    "What the hell? What'd I do?"

    "You fucking cheated on me, Daveed! You threw me away for some bitch you knew in high school and then acted like nothing was going on! But since you don't care and because my drunk ass ruined your life, I'm just gonna leave," you said.

    You pushed passed him but he pulled you back. "Do you really think I'd do that to you?"

    "Well it happened so I don't know why you're arguing."

    "Do you even have evidence?"

    "Daveed, there was a whole ass article with pictures and everything! And you came home at stupid times and then lied to me over and over again! You just kept lying to me! How could you do that?" Those familiar frustrated tears pricked at your eyes. "It hurt me."

    "I've never hurt you. I never would. Why would you think-"

    "You wouldn't know what hurts my feelings because you're not me, Daveed! You're so selfish," you spat.

    "I think about you all the time, (Y/N). Even during this whole mess I was thinking of you. I'm not selfish!" he claimed.

    "So you were consciously thinking about how much this would hurt me while you were cheating? Fuck you." All you could do was laugh, surprisingly enough. "I can't believe I put up with this."

    You tried to get passed him again but he didn't let you go. "Don't walk away from me. We need to work this out."

    "Work what out?! I don't want you anymore!"

    You were stunned at your own choice of words.

    Daveed let go of your arm.

    His eyes were sparkling from the tears brimming at the edges and he stared deep into you. You stared back at him.

Faith {A Daveed Diggs x Reader} Where stories live. Discover now