•chapter three•

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A/N: All I'm gonna say is that (Y/N) is dumb. Enjoy!


"Hey, (Y/N), wake up."

Gentle shaking wakes you from your sleep and the first thing you see is Daveed fully dressed at this ungodly hour. You rub your eyes but the drowsiness won't dissipate.

"It's so early," you groaned.

"I know, baby, I know. You don't have to put on anything special but we have that annual party in Palm Springs tonight. We need to leave so we don't hit traffic." He brushed hair out of your face with his whole hand.

"I forgot about that."

"Obviously," he laughed. "I'm gonna make some coffee while you get dressed, okay? Please hurry, though." He bent down and pressed a kiss to your forehead before walking out of the room.

You made some indistinct grumbling noises before rolling out of bed. It was five in the morning and you usually weren't up for another five hours.

You stole one of Daveed's Oaklandish sweatshirts and threw on some leggings before meeting Daveed downstairs where he was waiting with a warm cup of coffee.

"Good morning, sunshine," he laughed as you took the cup into your hands. "The glam squad is gonna meet us there."

"Can I sleep the whole time?"

"Not during the party," he replied with a chuckle. "But we have a long drive."

"Thank god."

Daveed pulled you in close by the waist and you two walked out of the house and met the driver, who was loading your luggage into the vehicle. Daveed opened the door for you and you settled into the car just as the driver did.

You found it hard to stay awake during the drive even though you were nearly halfway finished with your coffee. Daveed, however, was wide awake with his headphones on, most likely toying with sample beats on his laptop. This man never stops working.

He must've felt you staring at him because he glanced at you and smiled awkwardly. "What?"


He grinned again before going back to his work.


You arrived in Palm Springs at around 7 AM and checked into your luxourious hotel suite. You were still half asleep so you went straight to the bedroom to lie down.

"I have a couple things to do before the party tonight so I'll probably be back a couple hours beforehand, okay?" Daveed said as he pulled the covers over you. "Get some rest, baby."

"No problem."

He smiled before pressing a kiss to your forehead and exiting the room.

You tossed and turned relentlessly before finally finding a comfortable position to sleep in. You always found it a little harder to fall asleep when Daveed wasn't with you.

Sometimes your thoughts wandered back to that night when you were alone and afraid in that dark corner. You could see everything clear as day, almost as if it was a recent event.

You could feel his hands all over you and the smirk that turned into an even bigger, nastier grin every time you pleaded for him to stop.

No one even thought about how much this would affect you in the long run. They never were your friends and they probably never wanted to be.

Faith {A Daveed Diggs x Reader} Where stories live. Discover now