•chapter twelve•

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A/N: It's been a minute!!! I've had severe writer's block but hopefully it never happens again. Don't get burned by the tea in this chapter!


As soon as you stepped onto the boat you wanted to leave. People stared, pointed and whispered, which made you highly uncomfortable. It was weird to hold Daveed's hand in public like this, expecially when he apparently had no idea that he was the number one trending topic in celebrity news.

    You hated the attention this situation was bringing and the fact that you felt alone during all of this definitely did not help.

    The first face you recognized in the crowd was Rafael. Luckily, he recognized you too and began making his way toward you.

    "Rafa! What are you doing here?" Daveed asked.

    "I was invited, Diggs. You're such an idiot."

    You couldn't agree more.

    "Have you seen Eden?" Daveed inquired, briefly scanning the crowd.

    "No, I haven't." Rafael glanced at you.

    "I'll go look for her then. Don't get too carried away, my love." Daveed kissed your temple before leaving you alone.

    You and Rafael both rolled your eyes.

    "We have some things to talk about," he said. "Let's go outside."

    He called a waiter over and got drinks for the both of you. "You'll need it," he said. "So how've you been?"

    You shrugged. "It's not easy."

    "What about Diggs?"

    "He still hasn't said anything. I don't know what to do, Rafa. It's all confusing."

    "What about Eden? Have you talked to her?"

    "I try not to," you confessed.

    "Well, I texted her the other day and asked her about this whole situation and she never texted me back." Rafael smirked and shook his head. "She's making herself look even worse."

    "What the hell does she even want?"

    "Funny you should ask," Rafael chuckled.

    "What's so funny?"

    "It seems very convenient for Eden to show up asking you specifically to choreograph her project when she knows you're dating Daveed Diggs, soon to be rap legend who's currently working on his new album," Rafael explained. Then he shrugged and took a sip of his drink. "In my opinion."

    "I mean, I guess."

    "Everyone knows you're a great dancer. You've been on Broadway, won a Tony, choreographed for Ariana Grande, Fifth Harmony, Rihanna, whatever. But her ex-boyfriend from high school happens to be dating you. Coincidence? Never."   

    "What are you saying?" you asked.

    Rafael checked your surroundings before opening his mouth again. "Please don't tell anyone."

    You nodded. "I won't."

    "In high school, Eden would be in almost every school production ever. She could sing and she was really good. Everyone knew it but her. But somehow, she'd always get a lead role and some of the hardest songs to sing but apparently never auditioned. Weird or no?"

    "Very weird."

    "It clicked at grad nite when someone asked Diggs, who was dating Eden at the time, if he knew Eden's phone number. Diggs was very confused and asked why he needed this information. Keep in mind that the guy asking is part of the drama program's production team.

    "The guy said that she..." Rafael looked over his shoulder and then whispered, "...you know...made him feel nice."

    "She threw neck?!" you gasped.

    "Shh! There's too many people here!" he hissed at you. "But, yes, she went down on anyone and everyone who would give her a good part, guys and girls. Our productions were student run so teachers wouldn't have known. She was so scared of not getting a part that she'd do this. And apparently, it was going on for a while without me and Diggs knowing. They broke up for the last time that night and Eden didn't get to walk at graduation. The end."

    "So you think Eden is suck-"

    "No. I mean, maybe. I don't know."

    "Then what was the point of the story?!" you cried.

    "Eden does what she needs to do if she wants something. I don't know if she wants to get famous off of Daveed or get a feature on his album or-"

    "Here's an idea! What if she just wants Daveed!" you said. "And what if Daveed wants her?"

    "He doesn't."

    "Why? Because he told you?"

    "You sound like you're giving up on him."

    "Why do you sound so upset?" you laughed. "Why do you care?"

    "Because first of all, I know Diggs wouldn't do this. He's my best friend. I know him."

    "Yeah, well he's my boyfriend and I thought I knew him," you retorted. "You might think you know someone but you never do. I've been there."

    "(Y/N), listen-"

    "Rafa, I appreciate you giving me information but I'm not letting this go so easy. Have a nice night."

    You downed the rest of your drink and walked away feeling overwhelmingly frustrated. You didn't want to believe that Daveed would do this but you never thought some of your closest friends would betray you. If they could do it so could he.

    Daveed was, of course, nowhere to be found and you didn't have the energy to look for him. Instead, you sat at the bar and took a shot.




Things are going to get very exciting! I can't wait omg. More soon!🦉

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