•chapter five•

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A/N: Daveed's dumb at the end so prepare yourselves for the headassery!


The day after you got home from Palm Springs was quiet and peaceful. The first half of your day was spent in bed, drifting in and out of sleep between conversations. These days were your favorite. Neither one of you had plans so you could just relax and spend time together.

    At 3 PM you both decided to get dressed for a workout. It was the least you could do since you'd been lying in bed all day.

    "So...I did not expect Eden to show up at the party," you commented during a water break.

    Daveed re-tied his hair up into a small puff before answering you. "Same."

    "She's nice."   

    Daveed nodded silently in agreement.

    "Tell me about your friendship or whatever."

    "Our 'friendship' was a mess," he replied. "It was pretty nice until the middle of sophomore year."

    "Ooh, tell me more." You leaned into the conversation.


    "You can't give me hints like that and not finish! Tell me!"

    "To be honest, I'd rather not talk about it," he confessed.

    "You can tell me anything."

    "I know and I feel the same way but I really would rather not talk about Eden and high school."


    "Baby, I already told you I don't want to talk about it."

    His sudden change of tone made you jump. Daveed stood up and walked back inside the house without a word.

    "Sorry!" you called.

    No answer.

    You got in the shower after finishing the workout by yourself and put on some lounging clothes. You thought maybe you and Daveed could watch a movie on the couch but he had different plans. He was dressed as if he was going to work.

    "Where are you going?" you asked as he grabbed a pair of sunglasses.


    "Where is 'out'?"

    He didn't answer you. Again.

    You didn't feel like arguing so you called your friends and asked if they wanted to grab a late lunch. You couldn't sit at home for too long; it was too quiet.

    "I thought you guys were staying home today," Jayce said as he embraced you at the restaurant.

    "We were until I pissed him off but what else is new?"

    "Okay, but can we talk about this Eden girl?" Angel interjected. "You can't tell us that she was in Palm Springs and not share the rest of the story."

    "I don't know what else to say. It's too early to assume things," you replied. "But Daveed was acting suspicious this morning."

    "Ooh, honey, I'm listening." Angel folded his hands on the table and smiled.

    "I just asked him about their friendship and he got upset and left."

    "What is wrong with him?" Jayce asked.

Faith {A Daveed Diggs x Reader} Where stories live. Discover now