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hello consider this part two of the prologue k bye


You hated when they whispered about you like you were a different species. They didn't even try to hide it and it made you extremely upset but you let them in order to avoid an unnecessary argument. You excused yourself to the bathroom since they were having such a good time whispering.

Today was your first day of therapy and you were not very excited. Daveed suggested that you go see someone to talk about the "incident" and you absent-mindedly agreed because you were tipsy that afternoon. Ever since you bought that bejeweled flask, you'd been drinking every day and that was better than therapy in your opinion.

As you sat on the bathroom floor waiting for Daveed, Angel, and Jayce to finish talking about your well being, you found the flask in your purse and sipped on the alcohol inside. Daveed would be pissed at you but you didn't care.

"(Y/N), are you ready?" he asked as he knocked on the bathroom door.

You shoved the flask back in your bag and opened the door. "Let's get this over with." You hoped you could hold yourself for the hour long session but it was already difficult to stand on your feet.

Daveed drove and you kept quiet because any movement made you nauseous. You stared out the window and hoped Daveed didn't start a conversation.

"You're really quiet," he commented. "Nervous?"

You shrugged.

"I'll be there the whole time. No reason to be scared." He reached for your hand and gave it a squeeze.

You entered the building through the back to avoid the cameras and took the elevator up to the fifth floor. You held onto Daveed to keep yourself steady. The doctor called you back almost as soon as you checked in and you sunk into the sofa next to Daveed. He took your hand in his again.

"I'm Dr. Warren, nice to meet you," she greeted as she sat down across from you. She waited for you to introduce yourself but you never did. "Okay, so what's  going on?"

"I didn't sign up for this," you told her. "He did." You pointed at Daveed.

"Your boyfriend?"

"We unanimously decided to sign up for therapy," Daveed added, giving you a confused look. "We both want to be here, right?"

"I was fine but we already paid the lady so whatever," you snapped, adjusting your oversized sweatshirt. You only felt comfortable in sweatshirts and sweats at the moment.

"Alright then," Dr. Warren said, clicking her pen. "Would you mind sharing what brought you here?"

"Not really."

"(Y/N), stop being like this," Daveed scolded.

"Sorry I don't wanna talk about the 'incident', Daveed," you said, hiccuping between your words.

"Are you drunk?" Daveed cried. "(Y/N), seriously?!"

"I made a bombass cocktail, want some?" You reached for your purse. "It's more tequila than soda but whatever."

"You know what, how about we reschedule this session," Dr. Warren said, standing from her chair. "I don't think you're ready to talk and that's completely fine."

"We both said we were ready to talk," Daveed argued, "we had a whole conversation."

"You're not the one who went through anything, Mr. Diggs," Dr. Warren rebutted. "You two might want to have another conversation." She opened the door to her office.

"She's kicking us out now. I think we should go," you said. "Help me up because my legs feel like Jello. And can we stop for some on the way home? I'm feeling snacky."

Daveed helped you up from the couch and guided you back to the elevator and to the car. He didn't even stop for Jello.

"Why did you think it was such a good idea to get drunk before your therapy session?" he asked as he closed the front door behind you. "This is serious, I'm trying to help you."

"You and Angel and Jayce just talk about me and treat me like I'm a baby. You just whisper and do what you think is best without even asking me!"

"We've had multiple conversations about going to therapy, (Y/N), this isn't breaking news."

"But 'we' didn't go through anything. I did." Your stomach twisted and you paused. You looked at Daveed.


You ran to the bathroom and lifted the toilet seat as you hurled into the bowl. Daveed held your hair like he always did and flushed when you were finished. "Go lay down," he said, wiping your face with a warm towel. He was irritated but he didn't act like it.

"This drinking thing can't become a problem, baby," he told you, wrapping you in his arms when he joined you in bed. "It seemed normal at first but now it's excessive."

You remained silent.

"I'm sorry if I come off as overbearing or intrusive but it's only because I care about you, okay? I only want the absolute best for you. You've gotta trust me." He looked down at you and that familiar smile crossed his lips. "You trust me, right?"

You smiled back and brought his hand to your lips. "I only trust you," you responded. "No one else."


I love a little dramatic irony haha.

This doesn't feel like the end tho because this story could go so many ways! I'm letting you guys make up your own ending tbh because there's a million ways it could go!!

Thanks for sticking with me I love you all so so so much. I hate doing promo but I have lots of other stories that I think you'd like (esp my Brendon Urie fic it's kinda good imo) and if you wanna stay connected I made a cute little account on Instagram (susiewritez) so follow there if you'd like!

Vote, comment, share, or don't I don't care tbh. Hopefully I'll see you in another story soon I love you all so much UGH🦉💖💞💘💓

(Oh and go see Blindspotting when it comes out July 20th and stream the first half of the soundtrack you can't go wrong with Rafa and Diggs k bye fr this time)

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