•chapter two•

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A/N: Hey, um, this chapter gets fluffy at the end and prepare for that. Okay enjoy!


Daveed: hey i just realized i never told you i love you this morning

    You smirked and began typing a reply but he sends another text.

Daveed: sooo...i love you. a lot <3

    You smiled like an idiot. You loved when he made his hearts like that.

You: i love you too baby. even more

    He sends a heart emoji back and for some reason, you feel like you're falling in love with him all over again.

    "We're here!" Jayce announced after pulling into a parking space. "And you-know-who just pulled up behind us."

    "You-know-who" is formerly known as Angel, one third of your dance choreography trio and friend group. He keeps things interesting.

    "You are serving looks today! Per usual," Angel greeted, pulling you into a hug. "You look so happy. What did Daveed do to you last night?"

    "Bitch, if you don't..."

    "So shit did go down! Exciting!"

    "Actually, I slept on the floor last night and our morning wasn't as magical as I would've hoped," you said, leading the way inside the building.

    "Oh. Sorry."

    "It's not you, it's Daveed."

    "Any idea of who we're working with?" Angel whispered after an elevator ride to the fifth floor.

    "Nope, but we'll find out right now." You opened the door to the office and smiled at the receptionist. "Hi, I'm (Y/N) (L/N) and we're here for a meeting at two."

    "Welcome. You can go right through that door and then to the left. I loved you on Broadway, by the way," the receptionist added. "You deserved that Tony."

    Hearing about your Broadway days evoked a bittersweet feeling in you but it was nice to know that you weren't totally irrelevant and that you could be separated from your incredibly famous boyfriend.

"Thank you so much," you responded before leading your friends through the door.

    "Look at (Y/N) always being gracious to the fans," Angel sighed. "You're such a humanitarian."

    "I literally just said thank you." You gave Jayce an annoyed look and he agreed.

    You three entered the boarding room and were met by lots of men and women in business suits. Then you were introduced to your client, a beautiful dark-skinned female with purple highlights. She smiled and almost blinded you.

    "Hi, I'm Royalty, aka Eden McCann. It's nice to meet you." She shook your hand.

    "Well Royalty aka Eden McCann it's nice to meet you too. I'm (Y/N) and these are my co-choreographers Angel and Jayce."

    "This is totally random but your boyfriend is Daveed Diggs, right?" Eden asked.

    "Yeah." You can't help but smile at the mention of his name.

    "How is he?"

    "Um, he's fine," you answered. "He's really busy but he's doing good."

    "Well we went to high school together. Does he still talk to Rafael Casal?"

    "They see each other every week so yes, they talk," you laughed.

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