•chapter four•

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You could handle the makeup chair and Daveed stans in your mentions but you really could not deal with the paparazzi. They didn't follow you as much as they followed your boyfriend but sometimes there were a few attempting to take pictures while you were out with your friends.

The paps really only cared about one thing--you and Daveed together. That's the only thing everyone cared about.

The flash from their cameras blinded you before you stepped out of the car. The driver opened the door and security made sure to clear the path so you could walk.

Daveed squeezed your hand as you two found your way to the entrance of the venue. He loathed the paparazzi as much as you did, and maybe even a little more. He hated that he brought all this attention to you and the fact that paps were terribly aggressive bothered him more than anything.

"You look stunning tonight by the way," he said when you stopped at the makeshift red carpet. You had to give the people something.

"Thanks." You smiled for the cameras that yelled your name every five seconds.

"Alright, let's go inside." Daveed waved to the paparazzi and led you to the entrance of the party.

As a dancer, your favorite part of any party was dancing, of course. But Daveed wasn't much of a dancer anymore. Parties served as a time for business in his world and you didn't want to dance by yourself so you sacrificed dancing to stay with him.

You greeted all of Daveed's friends with a half-hearted smile. You weren't exactly the most sociable person. Party scenes brought back bitter memories for you.

As Daveed was having an in depth conversation with Kendrick Lamar, you spotted a girl with purple highlights laughing with Nicki Minaj.

What the hell is Eden doing here?

"Babe, Eden's here," you whispered with a light nudge.


"Eden. You know..."

Daveed politely excused himself from Kendrick and pulled you aside. "What do you want me to do?"

"I don't know. Say hi," you suggested nonchalantly.

"Why the hell would I do that?"

"She was asking about you. It'd probably make her happy if you talked to her."

"Baby, why are you stirring up trouble? Let's just mind our own business." He turned away but you pulled him back.

"Well, I'm gonna say hi because it'd be rude if I didn't. I want to make a good impression and you should come with me."

"Are you trying to start a friendship? It's about time."

"I don't want to be her friend but it'd be impolite if I didn't speak to her. Come on."

You dragged him to where Eden was sitting and lightly tapped her shoulder. "Hey!"

"Oh my god, (Y/N)! So good to see you!" She embraced you and the froze when she saw Daveed.

"Hey." He smiled shyly and gave her a small wave.

"Eden, this is my boyfriend, Daveed. Daveed, this is Royalty, aka Eden," you said with a grin.

"Daveed Diggs?! What did I do to meet an icon? Do you even remember me?" she inquired, standing from her seat.

"How could I forget?" He wrapped her in a hug which lingered on a little too long for your taste.

"I really can't believe this. It feels like just yesterday we were chillin' in Rafa's backyard smoking weed," she joked.

Daveed glanced at you but then smiled back at Eden. "Yeah, but I don't smoke anymore."

"Oh, well this got awkward. Where is Rafael? I heard he was supposed to be here."

"I'll text him." Daveed pulled out his phone to type a message just as someone threw their arm around his shoulder.

"Diggs, why the fuck are you so late? I've been waiting here for hours."

It was legendary poet, playwright, rapper, and music producer, Rafael Casal.

"Rafael Santiago, if you don't give me a hug I'm suing," Eden said, the joy in her dark eyes lighting the room.

"Eden Chantelle?! What the fuck?" Rafael burst into laughter before hugging Eden. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to party, just like you."

"No, I mean what are you doing here, at an A-lister event?"

"I'm a rapper," she explained. "My name is Royalty."

"That's why your hair is purple," Rafael chuckled. "That's cute."

"How long have you been rapping? When did you leave Oakland? Why didn't I know about this?" Daveed couldn't stop rattling off questions.

"I've been rapping for a long time, actually and I literally just left Oakland about six months ago."

"That's amazing. You're lucky to have (Y/N) choreographing for you though. Your project will be legendary," Daveed said, giving you a cute smile.

"Okay, let's cut the shit and talk about things that matter, like graduation." Rafael raised his eyebrows and encouraged conversation.

"Let's talk about that some other time," Eden replied. She gave Daveed a look you couldn't quite decipher.

"Okay, then let's talk about grad nite," Rafael countered.

"Definitely not." Daveed was quick to dismiss that.

"Senior prom?"


"Winter formal?"


Daveed and Eden rejected that idea at the same time, both of them with pure terror on their faces. Something was not right.

"Let's not talk about high school at all. Forget it even happened," Eden pleaded. "Let's just start over."

"I won't let this go. You two have to talk about it sooner or later."

"Whatever, Rafa. I'll see you guys around." Eden only smiled at you and Rafael but rubbed Daveed's shoulder. You didn't appreciate that.

The rest of the night went fairly smoothly and you were more than ready to go back to the hotel. It was hard to restrain yourself from the bar but you knew you didn't need it.

"Daveed, if you don't dance with me, I'm gonna fight you," you said as you impatiently tugged on Daveed's arm. You were going stir crazy and dancing was the only way you'd get your mind off of alcohol.

"One song and then we're leaving."

He found a spot on the dancefloor and smiled at you as you began to dance. It made him happy when you were happy.

But it didn't make you happy to see Eden gazing at Daveed longingly, almost as if she wanted something from him. Apparently, she forgot that he was taken and you weren't thinking about giving him up.



Eden needs to stay in her lane.

To celebrate summer, I updated twice and the next chapter is amazing!!!

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