•chapter six•

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Tension had been thick in the house for about two days now and as much as you hated to admit it, you missed Daveed a lot. Even though you two were in the same house, you felt like strangers.

    At eight in the morning you were stretching out your muscles to prepare for a solo dance session. You danced alone quite often, just so you could try out new moves and possibly perfect old ones. You turned on "Passionfruit" by Drake and let the laidback beat take you where it wanted.

    "Tension, between us just like picket fences. You got issues that I won't mention for now 'cause we're fallin' apart..."

    You couldn't help but sing along. The lyrics struck a nerve with you as you watched yourself move in the mirror.

    "...don't pick up the pieces just leave it for now, they keep fallin' apart..."

    As the song got to its last chorus, you glanced in the mirror and saw Daveed leaning in the doorway, admiring your footwork. He always thought you were some dancing genius.

    Apparently, he couldn't bear to just look at you so he entered the room and snaked his arms around your waist from behind, burying himself in the crook of your neck as the song faded out. You savored the feeling.

    "I love you," he whispered before leaving lingering kisses on your neck. "You mean the world to me, you know that right?"

    "Yeah," you replied.

    "I feel like you forget. Or maybe I don't tell you enough."

    You smiled and did your best to not turn around and kiss him. There was no way you were giving up that easy.

    "What are your plans for today?" he asked, slowly rocking you from side to side.

    "Dancing," you responded simply. "For Eden's project."

    "Don't work too hard, girl." You could feel him smiling against your skin.

    "You're the workaholic. Maybe you shouldn't work too hard."

    "That's impossible. I'm planning on being home by four today so maybe we can hang out later. If you still don't hate me." His voice sent chills down your spine.

    "I could never hate you, Daveed."

    "You still know my name! I'm impressed."

    "Very funny. Get off me and go to work, Diggs."

    He gave your waist one last squeeze before releasing you. You felt bad for letting him go that easy so you pulled him back and kissed his lips aggressively. You missed him and he missed you too.

    "I love you so much," you breathed. You were barely able to finish your sentence because he kissed you again.

    "Keep working, beautiful. But seriously, don't work too hard. It's really dangerous," he said with a laugh.

    "Yes, Mom."

    He grinned and you two finally let each other go. You forgot why you were even mad at him in the first place.

    You danced for another solid two hours before you decided to follow Daveed's advice and not work yourself to death.

    As you were enjoying your kale smoothie and a bagel in front of the TV, the doorbell rang. As normal, you rushed to answer it.

    You wished you hadn't.

    "Hey, (Y/N)," Eden chimed.


Faith {A Daveed Diggs x Reader} Where stories live. Discover now