•chapter twenty-one•

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Omg I'm alive hello. Thank you for your patience!! My friend Miranda XOfrostmonger made this amazing playlist based on this story so give it a listen if you wanna! Enjoy!!



For the first time in about a week, you got dressed up to leave the house with Daveed. He'd been performing at various parties and venues since his album was released but you'd declined his offer to attend any until now. You were ready to face the world after hiding away for such a long time and you were determined to make this outing as stress-free as possible. The glam squad did your makeup as Daveed watched in complete admiration. You were happy that everything was the way it was supposed to be.

    After a few mirror pics with Daveed you were ready to go. The two of you held hands the entire way there and although it was a simple action it meant the world to you.

    The paparazzi were happy to see you and rattled off questions about your relationship as well as your recent enrollment in a rehabilitation program all while snapping photos of you with the flash on even though it was still sunny. Daveed squeezed your hand and reminded you that you didn't have to answer any questions that made you uncomfortable but since you'd been hiding for so long you decided to share some information with the world. If you didn't set the record straight, people would make up lies and the last thing you wanted to hear were lies.

    "Go inside. I'll meet you there," you told Daveed before kissing his cheek. More flashes went off as soon as your lips touched his skin.

    "Don't let them bother you, okay? You don't have to give the full truth if you don't want to," Daveed reminded you with a smile. "See you inside."

    A TMZ reporter had been calling your name as soon as you stepped out of the car and onto the makeshift red carpet so you decided to talk to him first. TMZ was always getting their information screwed up anyways so you hoped that telling the truth would keep them from spreading lies.

    "(Y/N), thank you for coming to talk!" the reporter greeted. "Can you tell us how you're doing? Everyone misses you online."

    "Aw, that's sweet, but I'm doing really well. Better than I've done in years," you responded.

    "And you checked into some kind of alcoholics anonymous group, correct? Should we be concerned?"

    "No, I'm doing great! I just had a few issues I needed to work out with myself and I'm really focused on self-care and taking care of me."

    "And that includes getting back together with Daveed, right?"

    "You could say that," you laughed.

    "Those rumors about him cheating on you with Royalty were pretty serious. Wanna talk about that?"

    Even hearing her stage name made you sick.

    "I've moved on and learned that I need to have faith in the people around me, you know? You never really know the full story and you've just gotta trust that they'll do the right thing."

    "Did Daveed do the right thing? Those pics were pretty legit and you two broke up so something must've gone on, right?"

    More camera flashes and name calling stole your attention. The corner of your mouth turned up when you saw Rafael.

Faith {A Daveed Diggs x Reader} Where stories live. Discover now