quick question

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Hello how have we been since the nearly TWO YEARS I finished this story. Insane.

I was rereading all of your comments (because they give me so much joy and I need joy right now) but I realized the ending has potential to be a Rafa x reader and since I'm only writing about 500 other stories I thought I could add on one more.

Would any of you be interested in a spin-off kind of thing where (Y/N) is starting a relationship with Rafa and trying to put their life back together? If yes drop some ideas for plots you'd like to see so I can get some inspiration.

Whether you read this story while I was writing it you finished it a week ago, I really do appreciate all of your comments. I read all of them and love hearing what you have to say. They always make me smile.

Anyways, if this is what you all want I will do it! Thanks for your support !

Faith {A Daveed Diggs x Reader} Where stories live. Discover now